10 - Tony

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  Audrianna, Arlo and I had just landed back home when I got an auspicious text message. "There's been an emergency at work, Talia's been taken to hospital and Tim's on his way to pick us up" I commented to Audrianna "Do you think it's the baby?" she asked holding our little boy in her arms, I did wish Talia had gone into labour because it may help Audrianna make up her mind on where she wants to be. "I'm not sure love. No body's said anything about the baby. I assume so" I replied shrugging. When Tim picked us up Audrianna started with the questions. "What's going on?" she asked "Talia's waters broke, she's found her biological dad and Gibbs is freaking out all over the situtation" Tim explained enlightening us which put a small smile on Audris face. "What do you mean she's found her biological father?, How did she find him? Who is it?" Audri demanded "Apparently it's the reason she wouldn't allow Gibbs to up their relationship anymore" Tim shrugged. "Well I will give her, her due she's already becoming a mother. I think she should wait at least a year" I shrugged. "Or longer" Tim mumbled which Audrianna shook her hea tutting at his comment. "Timothy, don't be like that. I think if she truly loves him then she should marry him whenever she's ready. And I know how Talia feels about him" Audrianna sighed "I know but I'm afraid I'd loose her, in a sense I already have because her dads around but despite being pregnant she always still talked to me like we used to" Tim sighed. "Be thankful she's not completely blanking you" I muttered. Audrianna nodded "I do agree with Tony, she's not blanking you and she's letting you know stuff. This dad of hers hasn't been around so your family and mine have stepped in and always been there for her" she added which had Arlo's head nodding  

Beginnings of Darling Desire (Trilogy NCIS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang