An Original Song

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Okay, this was from years ago. I wrote it and kinda hated it. But, then again, I hate everything I write! XD

Here are the lyrics:

The Little Girl By The Pond

The little sittin' by the pond
Yeah, she's dreaming to fly so high
The little girl sittin' by the pond
Yeah, she's singing and hoping about the future being great
The little girl no one knows her name
She's a nobody and still feeling great
finally it gets to her later in life.

Little girl, that pond isn't real
You don't have a friend that's an animal
Everything is a dream
Nothing is real
A dream you will have in seven years
Can this ever be the same?

Yeah, the little girl by the pond
Yeah, do you ever have an animal friend by the pond
She died, the animal friend died, will she ever come back?
Try to think positive

The little girl by the pond
Yeah, her heart is broken because her friend died
The little girl by the pond
Yeah, she's so sad, she won't talk to anyone anymore
Even though she's alone

The little girl by the pond
She's me from seven years ago
A lot has happened in that time
But I am the same in some ways

My name is Michaela and my friend was Snowflake, a rabbit
If I could go back in time
I would tell the little girl by the pond don't be alone

The little by the pond
Yeah, she's strong
She'll make it in the future

Until no one knows her name


I am crying so hard right now, I don't why, but I am.

That was actually written when I was about twelve, I made a few small changes in the song for it to make sense, because the paper it was written on is old and is scribbled on.

How was that, SonOfEris ? What do you think about it?


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