17. Jealousy

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''Miss Song?'' Did I ever mention that male nurses were freaking hot? Well, they are and this nurse in front of me is just confirming it.

''Yes! that's me !'' I happily answer with a bright smile completely forgetting about Jimin's presence. Wow, I really forgot about him being right beside me, that is the power of a male nurse.

''Your results are out, you may follow me.''

I gladly follow him in the doctor's office.

''Sir, you can not come in you have to wait outside.'' the nurse says noticing that Jimin wanted to follow too.

''I'll be quick!'' I tell him and wave at him with a big smile.

''If you keep smiling like that you'll rip off your lips'' Says jimin looking out of the taxi's window.

''Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden?'' What's wrong with him? I went to the hospital like he wanted me to... Is he mad about me not telling him about the 'dangerous situation''?


Why is he not answering? Is he really mad?

''Hey are you mad?'' I pout at him and I mentally slap myself... Really Areum, did you just pout? Are you trying to look like some fish?


''I'm not mad'' That's what his words say, but his voice says otherwise.

~Bultaoreune! FIRE~

I jump from my seat surprised by my own ringtone. I should seriously change it... I take out my phone.

''Yes mimi~''

''Areum-ah, Jinwoo, and Soeun are with me at the company's dorm. They are already sleeping. They were dead worried but once Jimin called the calmed down.''

''Thanks a lot, Miraie! But what are you doing at the dorms?''

''The police called PD-nim and now he knows everything. He said that our apartments were too dangerous and he told us to stay in the dorms. You MUST come to the dorms too!''

''Ne~ See you!''

''Be safe, see you!''

I hang up and I raise my head only to meet Jimin's eyes.

''We're already heading to the dorms.'' He says and turns to the window once again.

Did PD-nim call him? Whatever... can he just stop being mad...

We arrived. Jimin takes out his wallet to pay the driver.

''No, I will pay.'' I stop him and I take out my wallet. '' How much is it, sir?''

''No, I will.'' He stops me from taking out money.

'No, no I will'' I insist.

''I will''

''Youngsters, can you just pay half each, I have to go!'' states the driver in an annoyed tone.

''Sorry, here'' I hand half the amount and so does Jimin.

''You sure are stubborn'' says Jimin as he gets out of the car.

''Look at who's talking'' I get out too and the taxi drives off. ''Now, can you tell me what's wrong?'' I ask him looking right into his eyes.

''Nothing's wrong.'' He looks away.

''Look at me, then tell me that nothing's wrong. Are you mad about the men in black? I'm sorry if I got you worried, I'm sorry, I don't know exactly why you are mad, but please don't be. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to put you in a dangerous situation and, and-''

I told him to look at me, but now as I try to explain myself, I am the one who just can't look at him in the eyes.  My eyes keep looking everywhere but in his eyes. I hate this feeling of being weak and helpless. The freak is he doing to me. Emotions start to fill up inside of me, I don't like him being mad at me. Thinking about it, I'm more scared of him being mad at me, ignoring me than being chased by some men in black. I don't want to part with people that are important for me on a bad note. I don't want to leave it for tomorrow, what if I don't wake up tomorrow? What if something happens? Everything can happen, anytime, to anyone. I know that way too well to waste time on being mad.

'' Just, Just tell me-'' I stutter looking for the right words but I got interrupted by his strong arms pulling me into a tight hug.

What. The. Hell. ? This boy sure thinks that my feelings are some soccer balls that he can just play with. I don't understand.

'' You don't need to be sorry or to explain yourself. I'm the one who's being foolish... I let my jealousy take over and made you feel bad. I should be the one apologizing.'' He tightens his hug and I, unconsciously, since my conscience can be so useless sometimes, hug him back.

Jealousy? Why? Over what? Why would he be jealous? I don't understand...This is too confusing.

''Why would you be jealous? And over what?'' I ask him trying to push him lightly and look at him but tightens his hug and he buries his head in my neck.''

My whole body is totally not blushing. I am very calm.

''Don't. I'm already very embarrassed right now...Let's just stay like this for a moment. Don't ask me questions, please.'' He pleads and I let out a small laugh at his cuteness.

I am just glad. He is not mad. I sound so desperate, I don't like being weak like this. But for now, I just want to enjoy this moment. I will worry about being weak later.  I rephrase that. I will deal with it later.

''I won't ask.'' I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

I could stay like this forever.

''Ahem... Sorry for interrupting...''



A short chapter, But I'm going to upload tomorrow or the day after tomorrow another chapter!!!
Wanna know who's the mood breaker?? Comment your guesses!!!!
I hope you like it,  I know it lack a lot and that it is waaaaaaaay far from being a good chapter, but I'll try my best to write better chapters!
I still hope that you enjoy!

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