Chapter 3: The Best Listener

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Tears are forming to Even's eyes. She can't believe that her one and only bestfriend will be leaving her too. The little boy hugged her tightly and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll be back. I'll promise to be back for you but promise me to wait for me too." She nodded.

Little thing that Even didn't know is that he already left at the same day. He just asked his parents to give him some time to tell her that they will leave the country. As Even wake up the next day, after eating her breakfast, she went to the little boy's house but no one opening the door. She asked the neighborhood but unfortunately they said that the owner of that house already left. She cried as the rain falls.



"Come in. The door isn't lock.", Even said, back to reality.

"Even, are you okay?", Reen asked. "You cried again, didn't you?", she asked again as Even nodded as an answer.

"Tell me, you're still hoping that he will come back again from New York, am i right?, she asked seriously.

"Even if I say yes, nothing's gonna happen. Maybe he already forgot his promise and even me. I'm not expecting for that to happen. All I can do is to keep this picture as his remembrance.", Even said while holding the picture frame.

"Don't worry, you still have me. You still have mom. We will never leave you. So, don't cry anymore and smile. Okay?", she tried to make her bestfriend smile again.


Reen's phone rang. She was shocked when she answered the phone. "Wei!!! Finally, you called. I thought you already forgotten that you have a friend here waiting for your arrival.", she said.

"Aiyoh. I'm so sorry. It's just that we're busy in our school and our mom didn't allow us to go online that long. But guess what, we will be back there in Taiwan. We're going to study at your school too.", a girl on the other line said.

"Ha! That's better, Ivy. And YOU have a lot of explanations to do with me and Even.", Reen playfully said.

"Hao le... So excited to see my bestfriends again. See you soon. And don't tell this news to Even. I want to give her a surprise. Bye.", Ivy said.

Ivy Chen, a bubbly girl who grew up in America. She knew Reen and Even when their family had their business trip for a year in Taiwan when she was 7 years old. Just like the two, they also treated Ivy as their real sister. They always hang out when they have their free time. They also share their secrets to each other. But after a year, Ivy and her family need to go back to America. So the only way to keep in contact is by going online in the internet.

After a week, it's the day of Ivy's arrival in Taiwan. She said to Reen to meet her at the airport with Ivy but reminded Reen not to tell Even yet about her arrival. Upon entering to the airport, Even was confused. "Hey Reen, what are we doing here?", she asked.

"Hmm.. My friend will arrive today and she asked me to pick her up here. I know that you won't say NO to me, right?", Reen cutely said to her bestfriend who is still confused.

After waiting for few minutes, the person that they waited for had already arrived. The girl put his both hands to Even's eyes. "Guess, who's this?", the girl said.

Even, who is still not knowing who is that girl, is trying to let go the girl's hands on her eyes. "Okay, I give up. Who's this?"

"Aiyoh. You even didn't notice the voice of your best friend. Hmph.", Ivy pouted.

"Wahhhhhh!!!! Ivy!!!! I'm so sorry... Dui bu qi...", Even also pouted and hugged her other bestfriend while Reen just laughed in their actions inside the airport.

Reen joined the hug between her two bestfriends but suddenly, someone interrupted the moment. "Wei... How about me? You already forgotten about me.. Huhuhu...", a girl with shades said.

"LIYA!!!! You came back too!!!!", Even shouted as she misses her bestfriends for years.

"Yeah!!! I came back here with Ivy.", Liya smiled while Reen and Even gave Ivy a why-you-didn't-tell-us look.

Liya, a girl with long straight hair, is also one of Even and Reen's bestfriend. Just like Ivy, she also grew up in America but became an exchange student in Taiwan. While having some adjustment in her school in Taiwan, she met Ivy, Even and Reen. At first, she's shy to talk about herself because she's afraid to be left out. But the three didn't let her to feel it. Starting to that point in time, they are always there to help each other out, especially when they are having a problem or even in their studies.

"Ahehehe... I said it to the phone Reen. You already forgotten?", Ivy gave a little laugh.

"When? I didn't remember that you said it." Reen said as she recalling their conversation.

"I said WE will be back here in Taiwan. WE and not only ME. Did you get it, my friend?", Ivy finally explained and Reen smiled.

"Hao le. Let's go home and we have TONS of stories to tell.", Liya said.

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