Chapter 20: Existing For You

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Not so long, Ms. Fan immediately introduced her new student who is waiting outside the room. The whole class gets wild, especially the girls, when they learned that the new student is actually a Korean guy. “Now class, meet your new classmate.”, Ms. Fan said. As the guy entered the room, Ms. Fan let him introduced himself to the class.

But before the guy could speak, Ivy’s expression was surprised as she has no idea when and how he gets in to her school. “You?!”, Ivy shouted that made the girls look at her.


Siwon smiled as Ms. Fan already told him where to sit in. He sat beside to a girl named Ariel, a total flirt in the room. The girl tried to smile to him but failed as Siwon focused on the lesson. Ivy can see how Ariel is trying to get his attention. She can’t help but to pity her as she knows that Siwon doesn’t like that kind of girls.

After the class, Ariel approached Siwon. “Hi classmate. I’m Ariel Lin, the class head of this room.”

“Oh please, Ariel. Don’t make flirt with our new classmate.”, Liya said. “And FYI, Even was the class president and not you.”, she corrected.

Ariel ignored her and looked back to Siwon, who is busy fixing his things before he can eat his lunch. “Anyways, you can eat your lunch with us. Right sis?” she said to Siwon as she looked at her twin sis, Ruby.

“Yeah. And our friends, Petty and Joanne, are already waiting for us at the cafeteria.”, Ruby reminded her sister.

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot.”, she said. “Let’s go.”, she pulled Siwon out of the room.

“Well, I guess that he can be fooled easily by them.”, Ivy smirked. “Let’s go girls. I’m already hungry.”

The three girls looked on how Ivy acts this morning. And it’s obvious that Siwon is avoiding her, just like he didn’t say anything to her since he arrived at school. As the four girls reached the cafeteria, they sat at their usual place where the boys and Ella are already waiting for them.

Ella noticed that Siwon is not with them. “Eh? Where’s Siwon?”, she asked Reen.

“Oh. He’s over there.”, she pointed at the other side where Ariel and her friends’ usual place. “Unfortunately, Ariel dragged him with them.”

“Pai tuo. Let him be where he wants to be with.”, Ivy smirked.

“But my little sis, if dad will discover that he’s not looking after you, he wi--”, before Ella could finish his sentence, Ivy spoke. “It’s not like I’m a little girl anymore.”

“But Ivy, your sister is right.”, Chun agreed to Ella’s statement. “What if your sister or Calvin is not here to look after you and something not good will happen?”

“Chun ge, I can protect myself. I don’t need any bodyguards or somebody that will follow me around”, Ivy said as she grabs a bite of her sandwich.

I Can See Nothing But You [GuiLun FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon