Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When they let us in we head down to Dolphin Underwater viewing. I get the dolphins attention and play with them for a while. Once it became 9:30 we headed to Blue Horizons, the dolphin show which was right there. We took our seats in the Platinum Seating and waited for the show to start. “We haven’t seen this show yet.” Niall says to me. “You’ve been here two days and haven’t seen it yet?” I ask curiously. “Nope” he replies and laughs. The pink door comes up and all the boys huff except for Louis who watches amazed. “DID YOU SEE THEM RIP THE DRESS OFF TO REVEAL THE WETSUIT?!” Louis asked excitedly. He is worse than a kid so we all laugh. When the show is over we walk almost all of the way out when I hear a voice “Alyssa come here!” I turn around to see Liz one of our head trainers with Freddi and Ace two of the four recently rescued pilot whales. The boys looked astonished when they saw them and Liz let us pet and play with them. The boys talk about it all the way to Journey to Atlantis which is a really fun water ride. When we get on the boat Niall sits next to me, Liam and Zayn, and Harry and Louis. Since Niall and I are in the front I know we are going to get SOAKED! When we entered the darkness Louis screams “I AM AFRAID OF THE DARK!” All of us and the boat behind us started laughing at him. When we went down the big hill they all screamed and I knew where the camera was so I smiled and pointed at Niall. They kept asking if it was over and I kept saying yes. Then we went back up and on the rollercoaster part and they all laughed. When the ride was over we go over to see the picture it was hilarious both Louis and I made funny faces and the others were screaming. We all ended up buying a copy. Now we are heading to the sea lion show. They let us in early and we take our front row seats as Mike comes out holding one of the otters. He waves at me and I wave back. The show starts and the boys laughed the whole time. I’m glad they are enjoying it here. After the sea lion show we go eat at Mango Joe’s my favorite restaurant at SeaWorld. “This better be good food!” Niall jokes. “It is I promise!” I say with a smile. “Where is Louis?” I ask. We all look around and can’t find him so we walk over to Shamu’s Happy Harbor and see Louis on the jelly fish ride. “He is such a kid.” I say and the boys agree. “GUYS COME ON! THIS IS SO FUN!!” Louis screams so we decide to go. Niall and I got in one jellyfish, Liam and Louis, and Zayn and Harry. They are so much fun to be around. The ride came to an end and we got off laughing. Now we are going to Sealions tonite. “Is this show as funny?” Zayn asks. “More!” I reply. “Then we shall have abs!” Harry jokingly says and we all laugh. During Sealions tonite we laughed and laughed and laughed. It was so fun being around them. We ended the night at Shamu Rocks.  “Well I am going to head home.” I say. “We are going to Epcot tomorrow. Do you have work? If not do you wanna tag along?” Liam asks. I think about it for a minute. “No I don’t have work and I would love to tag along.” I say and I see Niall’s smile grow. ‘Could he possibly like me?’ I push away the thoughts.

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