Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

(Songs that inspired this chapter: My Kind of Love- Emeli Sande, Unconditionally- Katy Perry, Adore You-Miley Cyrus)

Before I get far Niall grabs my arm and pulls me in kissing me passionately.

“You don’t understand how much I’ve missed you. I know obviously it’s hard to believe but I never stopped loving you. The reason the other boys never contacted you was because they were trying to help me get over you. I’m sorry. Can I please have another chance? Please Alyssa.” He says breaking the kiss.

“Wait, this is the guy I heard you crying about. Hell no.”  Kaleb says and goes for Niall as I grab on to his arm.

“Kaleb, calm down. Please.” I say calmly. “Niall, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I can’t keep getting hurt. It’s literally tearing me apart.” I see tears fill up his eyes.

“I promise I won’t hurt you. You don’t know how many times I wanted to call you.”

“Then why didn’t you?!” I ask feeling frustrated.

“I was scared. You hated me, I knew it.”

“I never hated you. I was mad but Niall I could never in a million years hate you.”

“Please, Alyssa” He is practically begging. I can’t help but notice how beautiful his eyes are. They are as blue as the ocean. How can I turn him down? He is the love of my life and to be honest, I would take him back in a heartbeat. But, what if I’m just getting lost in his eyes, drowning? What if he has no intention on saving me? That scares me to death. I do not know if I can take any more heartbreak.

“I promise.” I hear him whisper again.

“Okay.” I give in not knowing if this was a bad idea.

“Oh my gosh Alyssa, Thank you so much!” He says excitedly and then picks me up and spins me around. Then he kisses me with passion. I couldn’t turn him down he is my life, my world, and my breath.

I turn to find Kaleb and see him sitting at the ice cream parlor waiting for me. We both walk over there.

“So is everything good or do I need to beat him up?” Kaleb asks with little humor.

“Everything is fine Kal!” I say smiling.

“Great! LETS GET ICE CREAM THEN!” he replies.

“I HEARD ICE CREAM!” Louis screams. Uh where did he come from?

“Lou, I didn’t mean what I said when I said ‘used to’ you know you’ll always be my best friend. I was just really upset.” I explain to him.

“I understand! I love you and I’m so glad you two made up so we don’t have to hear him cry anymore.” He states and then laughs. We talk and all catch up on everything we missed in each other’s lives.

“Well we have to run and get back to the family. It was great meeting y’all.” Kaleb says.

“It was great meeting you too.” They all say.

“Call me.” Niall tells me before giving me a kiss and heading off.

I get a twitter notification as soon as I get to the condo.

‘@Louis_Tomlinson: So glad I got to see my best friend @Alyssablack today. Oh how I’ve missed you.xxxx’

‘@Alyssablack: It was great seeing you too! I love you Lou!!’ I tweet back.

I tell my mom about how Niall and I got back together and how we saw them. I really wish Zayn would’ve been there so I could have seen him. I miss him a lot too. I can’t even explain how much I missed that beautiful Irish accent. I end up looking up the video they told me about. It is the ‘Best Song Ever’ video. They all looked so cute. I couldn’t help but laugh at them dressed as the characters. Especially Zayn. I eventually drift off.


I woke up to my phone ringing.

“Hello?” I asked sleepily.

“Hi princess. Did I wake you up? I’m so sorry,love.” I hear Niall’s innocent voice say.

“No babe it’s okay. What’s up?”

“I just couldn’t go to sleep for another night without talking to you before. I miss our late night calls.”

“Aww that’s sweet. I miss them too.”

“Well I just called to tell you goodnight. I’m exhausted so I’m going to sleep. I love you, forever.”

“I love you more! Goodnight.”

“Wait no! that’s not possible!”

“Yes it is!” I laugh.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Night!”

“Night!”  I laugh as I hang up the phone. I really did miss him.

When I wake up I go down the hall of this huge condo. My parents and sister, Taylor is sitting at the table drinking coffee. My sister’s fiancé is flying in today to meet up with us. He was supposed to fly with her but got held up at work. While she goes to the airport we decide to go walk again.

“You should invite Niall, and if you want the other boys. I’d love to meet them!” My mom tells me.

“Okay I will call him now.” I reply and grab my phone out of my back pocket.

“Hey babe!” He answers.

“Hey Nialler. Would you like to come hang out with us today? The other boys can come too!”

“Of course! Where should we meet?”



In about 20 minutes Niall and Harry are here.

“The other boys couldn’t make it. Sorry. Hi, I’m Niall.” He sticks out his hand for my mom and dad.

“Nice to see you again!” He then tells my brother.

“Same to you.” Kaleb tells him back.

“I’m Harry” He says as he does the same as Niall.


After walking a while we are all tired including the boys.

“I’m ready to head back.” I say.

“Niall you are more than welcome to stay with us while we are here. Just no funny business.” My mom adds.

“Thank you Mrs. Black. I’d love to!” He replies and I can’t help but smile. I miss having him next to me every night.

When we get back to the condo Harry leaves to go meet up with Louis and Liam. We walk in and see Taylor and Mark, her fiancé sitting on the couch.

“Tay, this is Niall!” I introduce him.

“Niall, this is my sister Taylor.” We all talk for a while and then go our separate ways into our rooms. Niall jumps on the bed and puts his face down into the pillow.

I get in bed. “No cuddling then? Fine!” I say joking like I’m angry.

“No, I want to cuddle with you. I’ve missed it so much!!!” He grabs my waist and pulls me to him, in the process kissing my forehead. Then he crashes his soft lips onto mine. We drift off into a deep sleep.

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