Mr. Bubble's Story: The Shelter

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  Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Bubbles... as you can tell by the name of this novel, but you can also call me Nachos, Pizza, Chocolate, Milk shake, or Cheesecake. It's up to you! In the first couple pages of this novel you'd be learning about me! SO ENJOY!

  On May 10th, 2013, there was a little Toy Fox Terrier puppy born!! That puppy was me! Everyone, this is the time to feel sorry for me. My mom, when I was first born, didn't have the right nutrition, or something like that, in her milk. So I was taken to the vet by my mom's owner and he left me! Where was my mom going? She was probably doing what her owner was doing. LEAVING ME! But at the same time I don't think it was her fault. OH WELL! Anyway, two times a day these people would feed me this white stuff in a clear bottle, it tasted kinda good. The vets, I think that's what they're called, they were cool and nice, UNTIL THEY INJECT U WITH A POINTY THING! That was my least favorite part about the vets. Lets talk about living in the shelter, OH MY FAVORITE PART! The only thing bad about the shelter besides INJECTIONS, was the cold cage that I was in. The vets put blankets in my cage, BUT IT WAS STILL COLD!

 While I was at the shelter, I met THREE friends! Their names were Fluffy who was a very BIG dog! And he was hairy.... SO MUCH HAIR! The next one was another Toy Fox Terrier, like me! Her name was Cookie. The last one was a pug! I feel like pugs are super popular! Anyway... the pug's name was Bob.... he was cool. 

   Apparently I was set up for adoption which is when someone purchases you, I think. On the first week when I was set up for adoption, Cookie already found a new home! I was so happy for her. ANYWAY! The next day after Cookie got her new home, I WAS ADOPTED! Yet, I don't know what happen to Fluffy or Bob. I'M SURE THEY'RE FINE! That was my SHELTER experience!

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