Mr. Bubble's Story: Another Dog

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  IT'S EASTER SUNDAY TODAY! I CAN'T WAIT! The sad part about this is when I woke up, MY OWNERS WERE GONE! WHERE WERE THEY? WHAT CAN THEY POSSIBLY BE DOING? I am now sad. I mean it wasn't unusual for them to go. Maddie left the house only a couple times a week, but Dillon left everyday BESIDES Sunday and Saturday. But why were they going on Easter Sunday? Why couldn't I go? I hope they'll be back soon.

  Two hours have past and I was getting bored playing with my giant toy and chewing on my bone. I decided to stand by the door and wait for them to come back. Thirty minutes rolled by and I finally heard a car pull up in our driveway. I GOT SO EXCITED! I started to BARK and JUMP and YELL, trying to alert my owners that I was okay by myself. 

  I saw the door open and I jumped on Maddie! I looked over at Dillon and I saw him carrying a little object. I started to get a little nervous when I saw the object move. Dillon put the weird moving object on the ground. My jaw dropped when I saw what it was, it was.... it was ANOTHER DOG! 

  I slowly moved away from the tiny dog and I went to my toy that I originally got when I was first adopted. I dragged my overly-sized toy over to Dillon, hoping that he'd play Tug-a-War with me. Dillon started to talk to Maddie and IGNORED ME! I looked at the little dog. "Um... hello." I kinda said it awkwardly, I didn't know what was going on! The little white dog with a brown face looked at me. He said his name was Teddy. Teddy started to play Tug-a-War with me since DILLON WOULDN'T! 

  After Dillon was done talking to Maddie, FINALLY, we had our scavenge hunt, DOG STYLE! Instead of finding eggs, like humans, we found TOYS! Dillon bought Teddy and I new toys and placed them randomly through out our back yard. Teddy and I both found four new toys! 

  Teddy was a pretty respectful dog and was aware if I needed space. Whenever Maddie and Dillon were gone, Teddy was always there to keep me company. Also, Teddy isn't the perfect brother, he ANNOYS me sometimes, but If I still had to chose a sibling, it would for sure be Teddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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