I Love You Too

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Dear Will:

I could never tell you how I really feel about you, because there aren't words to explain it, but I will try now. I love your smile, and how your eyes crinkle when you laugh a lot and how your voice sounds in the mornings when you wake up and how you believe in everyone and how much you love your siblings and how much you love your friends and how much you love me, I love how you get excited about everything, unlike me, and you become like the child, and I love that you got me and I got you and I love how you make me love life a little more everyday, I love how you helped me live in peace with my past. I love you and the little belly fat you have that you hate and I love yoyr big strong thighs and your strong, tan arms and your freckles, gods, your freckles drive me insane, your lips got me hynotized and your curls have me dazed. I love that you say that you can't sing, even though you have a beautiful voice and can play the guitar beautifully. I love how you heal people and how you help them get through things. I love how nice you are to everyone, no matter what, evem if they annoy you, you try to be decent. I love how your Southern accent sometimes slips out and how it thickens when you are tired or hust woke up, or while doing other stuff. I could be here writing this all day, making a list, making a book about you and how much I love you, Will Solace, believe me, but to sumarize it, I love loving you, I love you make me feel, how I make you feel and I want to keep feeling this forever with you, I'm glad I married you, it was the best decision in my life. I love you i love you i love you.

-With love, your husband, Nico Solace-di Angelo


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