I am here

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In the photo  at the top is Jack so tell me what you think of him I just loved him as Jack.

I get to were i am going the house is so beautiful I love it so much I hope it is beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside  and I hope  my fiance loves it just as much as me since it was a sight unseen Snowflake Falls is just as beautiful as I remember it but better since I am home where I belong I did not meet jack here we met in college Stanford to be precise it was on a fall say in June right  before summer break I don't remember  how we met but it was incredible It was really love at first sight I know  it is crazy  but it was meant to be I guss after we met I brok it off with Steven my ex it was not meant to be I guess he was a football playing jock for Christ's sake never going to go anywhere in life he was in on it being a beer drinking hell of a guy he already like the taste of beer anyways I don't get the point in the drink I really prefer tequila if I was to say I like any kind of alcohol or whiskey something hot something that would sting when it goes down I don't get the point and beer it really doesn't taste all that great but that's what Stephen liked so I would  but it for him when we lived together we only live together after semester break he never was really interested in college I don't know why either it was like the best thing there was frat parties with more beer and stuff which I enjoyed frat parties they were really fun there was a lot of cute guys there too summer ugly some of them were really really really ugly Off the Wall ugly to be honest I think that's how I met Jack he was a great guy when I first met him just after the years of him being with me since I get boring even sex seems to be boring now when we first started it was great and all but not anymore.I here a knock on the door I walked to the door and it is my mom and dad they say hello and ask if they can come in I said sure why not you're my parents of course and you live 2 blocks away so you are to come in also Steven is with them I don't know why in the hell Steven is with them but he looks finer than ever I guess it's because I have crazy for hormone issues or something but he looks fine and he looks more mature since the last time I seen him which was 4 years ago he says hey Rose how are you doing I said fine how are you you look better now I guess my mom says hey little girl you look so beautiful today in that pretty dress of yours my dad says I love you and why are you with Jake still I thought you were old and honor your something or on long-term dysfunction or distress our something so maybe you should hook back up with Steve and see what happens what happened I said no me and Steven are never going to be a thing again can't you see he's such a bag of trash before I could catch that he was standing right there. I think I put the words out wrong and in a very rude way I don't understand why words come out like that sometimes but they just do it happens it's my life I say things how they're supposed to be. Steven space was all what is wrong with you I could see it all over his face and just when I can see it he says what is wrong with you why you looking at me like that I'm not a piece of trash girl I straighten my life up after all that crap you went through i say okay but to me you still are a piece of trash he says know him know him I got in college and everything became a professional football player you look like big house down the road that one is mine it's the biggest house in this whole neighborhood in it is mine so stop being such a b**** about it. I think in my head my words were just so wrong maybe he isn't that bad no one maybe I should have dated him longer I don't know to find out what was wrong maybe we had issues I don't know anymore I'm with Jack now I don't think I need to be with anyone else but Jack we are gauge for Christ's sake he is my one and only guy and we are going to get married in eight months I don't know what that's supposed to mean but we are and I want to be happy with him I don't want to feel all this sadness I feel when I was with Steven he made me feel sad all the time he made me depressed and if I had a lot of depression I even had to go through some mentally class to get over him because I wanted to shoot myself in the head after the sessions I finally went back to school and stuff but still was depression and everything I have to take meds everyday now because of what he did in my head I mean you come in the house and be high all the time I guess you like to being high or something it was kind of stupid to be honest one time he even offered me marijuana to smoke I mean I tried it and everything it tastes pretty good and well i made me feel good.

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