Who are you and what have you do to Mr.J

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Word count: 653

"Shadow come on we got the stuff lets go" J yelled as he throw a bag over to one of his men "in a minute J" I yelled back as I quickly ran down the hall to find the diamond we came for "SHADOW HURRY UP BATS IS HERE" Joker yelled again I growled and sprinted back to him "did you get it" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist "sure did" I said smiling evilly at him "that's my girl" he smiled

J leant in a bit and his lips were pressed on mine I instantly kissed back sliding my hands up his chest and around his neck "JOKER, SHADOW" a deep voice said interrupting our kiss "ah Basty how are you this fine evening" J said pulling away from me but kept an arm tightly around my waist "I bit he was sitting at home bored out of his mind" I said while leaning on J

"cut the crap you two and give me what you stole" Batman growled "what and let you run off with it no way Bats" Joker said laughing a bit "Joker" Batman growled jumping at him both of them started to fight I just stood there enjoying the view

"Shadow baby do you oh I don't know wanna help" Joker growled a bit as he said that "while I could if wanted to but I'm enjoying this too much" I laughed Joker and Batman rolled their eyes at me that when Batman pulled out his gun and pointed to Jokers "ow what's this has the Batman finally diced to go for guns has he" J asked

I thought now was a good time to jump in so I ran and pushed Batman off of J "nobody pulls a gun out on Joker and lives" I growled throwing punches at him that's when I felt and heard it the unforgettable sound of a gun going off then the pain on my hip I looked down to see Batman had shot me

I rolled off Bats holding my hip in pain tears running freely down my face this is the first time I've been shot "BOYS GET IN HERE" I heard Joker yell eve thing was blurry and muffled "J" I breathed out trying so hard to get his attention "Sh Sweetie I'm right" I heard him say then felt myself being picked up

"it hurts J" I whimpered as I looked up to him he sighed and looked down "I know it does Kitten but you have to be strong for me" he said as he placed me down in the car "J what about the heist" I groaned in pain "I don't care about the mission Shadow" Joker said starting the car up

"what who are you and what have you done to Mr. J" I laughed slightly "good to see you can still make a joke" J said "I don't care about the mission at the moment Shadow I care about you" he added in "why" I asked looking at him

He didn't answer for a while he didn't even look at me he just kept looking at the road "because I" he cut himself off as he parked the car just outside the hideout once that was down he turned to look at me "because I love you" he said I gasped did I hear him right "I love you Shadow I have for a while I just didn't want to admit it until now" he said

I pushed myself up as painful as it was but I did "and I love you to Joker" I said grabbing his face and pulling him closer and pressed my lips to him the kiss didn't last long but it didn't need to "come on Doll let's get you fix you up" was the last think J said and I heard because I blacked out

A/N yeah I know this sucks even i fell like I rushed it     

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