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Word count: 1114

This was requested by jessiehappy hope you like it

(Skylar's POV)

"Sweetie make sure you're ready by 6:30" my boyfriend Joker yelled up to me from his office "I'm getting ready now babe" I yelled back, and I heard him shout ok as I closed the bathroom door and jumped in for a quick shower

As I got out of the shower I couldn't help but look into the mirror and frown at myself. You see the other day when Joker and I were robbing a bank, a girl about my age had whispered to her friends about what the Joker saw in me. As I was right next to them I heard what they had said, and to make matters worse Joker was not in the room, he was in the safe with some of his men

So, when the girl saw that I was listening she started to say stuff like Joker should have stayed with Harley, and how I'm the ugliest person they'd seen, and crap like that. Let's just say they didn't say very much after that thanks to some of Jokers men.

And even though those people are dead, I still hear the stupid remarks about my body along with my own thoughts. Even before them I have been insecure about myself, ever since I got to high school. I'd have to admit though when I met Joker I started to feel better about myself, and that feeling had lasted for a while but not for long.

"You're too fat" a voice in my head said, "Joker doesn't love you, he just has you around for a distraction" another said, and I agreed with them. As I stood there in front of the mirror I saw all my flaws "they're all right, what does J see in me, if he sees anything at all" I said to myself as my knees gave way and I landed on the floor in my underwear, and before I knew it I was crying silently.

"Sky are you ready yet we, leave in 5 minutes?" I heard J's lovely voice from the other side of the door. Oh yeah that's right we're going to the club tonight, as he has a meeting. "I'm n-not going" I said trying to sound strong, but the stutter didn't help. "What? Why not" J asked sounding concerned "Because I don't want to" I whispered but I knew he heard me. "Skylar I need ya with me, come on" he said as the bathroom door opened and Joker walked in.

He looked around for me and when he saw me curled up in a ball, in the corner of the bathroom crying my eyes out he was quick to sit down next to me. He took me in his arms, and made me sit on his lap. Instantly I dug my head into the crook of his neck and cried into him. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked as he held me close. "You don't need to pretend J, I know you don't like me, just leave and go back to Harley" I said though my tears.

"What do you mean stop pretending?" he questioned "You don't need to pretend to love me anymore J, I know you, and I know that you were just using me" I said as I started to pull away from him "Skylar where is all this coming from?" he asked, holding me tighter to stop me from getting off him.

"Some of our hostages the other day were asking what you saw in me, and I've been asking myself that question ever since we started dating" I told him. "Why didn't you tell me about this Skylar, I could have help you" he said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Because I didn't want you to have to deal with me" I told him looking down. "Sky what did they say?" he asked, lifting my head back up. "They said that I was ugly, and asked what you saw in me" I told him with tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"Well they're dead wrong Sky, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Your just the right size, prefect curves too, not that it matters though, and for what I see in you ........... I see everything in you" he said kissing my head. "Never ever think that I don't want to deal with you, I love you Skylar and you will never be a problem that I have to 'deal with' and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" he said looking me in the eyes.

I smiled at him, its very rare to hear those 3 words come out of his mouth and hearing them say them to me in my current state just made my day. "I love you to Joker" I said smiling at him before kissing his lips

Once we pulled away he spoke again "You know I was in the same place you are once". I looked at him shocked "Really or are you just say that to make me feel better?" I asked him. He chuckled at first then got serious "I'm telling the truth sweetie, when I first became The Joker I was insecure about how I looked. Like come on I'm covered in scars and I don't look like anyone else" he told me. I just sat on his lap letting him talk.

"Finally, I realized I didn't need to care about what others thought of me, all I need to worry about was what I thought about myself. It took a while but I got over my insecurities and didn't give a crap about what everyone thought of me. Besides if anyone did disrespect me I just killed them" he said giggling at the end I did too.

"So what you're saying is just to forget about what people think of me?" I asked and he nodded. "Besides if anyone says anything, I'll kill them" he added causing me to laugh. "Now you my darling need to get ready" he said standing up bring me up with him. "Unless you want to go in your underwear, which hey I'm not stop ya" he said looking at me. "J" I giggled as I hit his arm lightly. "Ok I'm getting out" he said walking towards the bathroom door. "Love you J" I yelled to him as the door closed "Love you too Sky" he shouted back.

I turned and looked at the mirror once again but this time I smiled at myself as Joker's worlds came to my mind. It's going to be a long ride but I'm going to do what he said and not care about what others think of me.

A/N if any of you feel insecure about yourselves in anyway just know that you are all beautiful/Handsome just the way you are and don't be afraid to tell someone and ask for help

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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