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I woke up the next morning in a soft cozy bed, I sat up and looked around and noticed I was still in the same house, and to think it was all a dream, I got up and went to the bathroom that connected to the room and did my business, after I was done I saw my reflection and my hair was a mess, I grabbed the hair tie that was around my wrist and put it up. I sighed and walked out and followed the smell of pancakes that was filling my nose with delight. I walked straight into the kitchen and saw Andy looking at tv with plates at the table already.

"Wow impressive." I said making him jump, I smirked and he stood straight up and smiled.

"Well good morning Ms. Bad Ass." He said I cringed at that name.

"That's not my name." I said and he clapped twice, I gave him a straight face and he laughed.

"Come eat we have work in 3 hours and we are going!" He said scooting me in my seat like a gentleman. I sighed. Then he looked at me and he said grace, I bit my lip while holding my fork in my right hand. I'm not very religious actually I don't believe in anything and I surly don't "bless my food" he looked at me and I smiled.

"Eat, I know you're not religious, just eat." He said, I smiled and dug in.


We pulled up to my house and I stepped out with one foot and turned back around.

"Come in." I said he was about to say something when I hurried up and jumped out closing his door. I walked up to my house and unlocked it seeing that everything was left how I left it when I was here. I walked in and saw Andy behind me.

"Get comfortable I'll be right back." I said he nodded and walked to my living room. I walked upstairs and went to my closet grabbing my outfit, I walked to my bathroom and stopped I need to make these cuts and bruises more real, I grabbed a razor and made new cuts. I covered them back up and called his name.

"Andy!" I yelled I heard his footsteps charging this way.

"Kai, are you okay!" He yelled walking up to me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said he was breathing in and out. "Man you're out of shape."

"I thought. Something happened to you." He said bending over my sink catching his breath.

"Nah I'm fine I just need you to look at this." I said pointing to my bandages. He smirked and picked me up setting me on my counter and took off the robe I was wearing. I looked at him and he was focused on the bandages.

Fuck him Kai

You guys are just friends can you call Justin now?!?

Ask how long his dick is.

I bit my lip and and closed my eyes trying to push back those thoughts but they got louder, I opened my eyes and Andy was looking at me with his hands on either side of me.

"You okay?" He asked I nodded and he stood up.

"So how am I doc?" I said getting down from the counter.

"Well you're good to shower but when you're done put a new set on, and you should be all healed up by tomorrow." He said I nodded and he walked out giving me some privacy. I uncovered the bandages and watched as they disappeared.


I finished getting dressed walking downstairs into my living room where Andy was sleep at, I giggled and jumped on him, he jumped up and glared at me

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I finished getting dressed walking downstairs into my living room where Andy was sleep at, I giggled and jumped on him, he jumped up and glared at me.

"Come on sleepy head before were late for work." I said getting up and pulling him with me. I locked my house and skipped to his car.

"Be careful you could start bleeding again." Mason said as we got in his car." I nodded.

"Got it, take it slow." We pulled out the drive way and headed to work, I turned up the radio as Back to sleep remix came on, I love this song I started singing and Andy was stealing glances at me. I turned down the radio and looked at him.

"You wanna know something?" He asked I raised a eyebrow and he smiled." You're not what everyone says you are."

"And that is?"

"All mean and bad, you're really playful, like a puppy."  I scuffed and turned the radio back up.

"Only if you knew." I said as we drove.


We got to the building and I smiled as we got to the front everyone was walking around panicking. I frowned as people kept bumping into me. Andy held my hand, Ryan walked past us looking at our hands.

"You know your ex won't approve of this."

"Fuck him." I said, he chuckled and kept walking.

"I have to go, but how about we go out to lunch later on today?" I nodded smiling. He pecked my cheek as he touched my back softly and walked away. I smiled and watched as he left, I turned around seeing Justin, he was walking to his office.

"Told you." He said, walking the opposite way I was walking.

"Like I said, fuck him." He chuckled with his arms folded over his chest.

I sighed turning on my heel, I walked in his direction passing different co workers. I greeted them as they did the same with me, I know half the people here due to the fact that Nina had that party. I walked in and he didn't pay me any mind, I walked over to my desk and turned on my computer.


I walked in m building, I looked around some of my workers were just sitting around talking amongst each other I was definitely wasn't having it today.

"No one should be hanging around get to work." I said as my voice echoed through the lobby. they nodded and got up going to their stations. I got in the elevator and pressed the top floor, my emotions was all over the place today, I was excited to see Kailyn, but at the same time I was nervous, the doors opened seeing everyone so calm. I walked out and stopped in the center.

"Whoever is not working when they are suppose to be working will be fired!" I yelled out. I walked over to the break room getting some coffee. I reached up for the Styrofoam cups I poured the hot liquid in the cup and poured the creamer and sugar into one cup mixing it with my straw, I walked out seeing Kailyn and another co worker, I frowned and looked as they were holding hands, I squinted and he kissed her cheek, I nodded and gripped my cup, I walked to my office as my workers made room for me to walk pass them. I walked in and turned on my computer, I guess its time for the old Justin to come out. Kailyn walked in walking to her computer. I glanced at her she had her back to me as she organized some papers on her desk, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to go over there and kiss her sexy ass for wearing that, I shook it off and answered my phone call that was coming in.



Today has been interesting, besides this morning Andy  has not once mad me frown or remember Justin. Yes we may have bumped into him but nothing major. He is a positive boy I'll keep him around and see what might happen. We got to his house and he stopped me from going in his garage, I looked at him and he hugged me around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we stood there for a while.

"Hey don't worry I'll see you tomorrow." I said he nodded and let me go. I opened the door and saw my car next to his other car. I unlocked it and got in as the garage door lifted up. I backed out and drove home.

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