Chapter Twenty One

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It's been almost six months since I was arrested. I've been here in jail since then because the cops have now proof that I was protecting my family and they wont have that proof till after Emma wakes up. Will she ever wake up?

I sighed, my child is due any day now.

Emma's P.O.V.

My eyes opened to reveal that I was in a hospital room. My hands flew to my stomach, my baby! But the moment I touched my stomach I screamed out in pain making some of the nurses rush into my room.

"Shh sweetheart your okay." The one nurse told me.

"Why does my stomach hurt?" I sobbed. "Is my baby okay?"

"She's fine, sweetheart." The nurse said softly. "You've been in a coma for nearly six months. We've kept both you and your child's daffy at a healthy level although it was hard at times but since you were I a coma we had to do a sea section."

"Can I see her?" I asked a smile playing on mu lips. I lived to see my daughter. I survived the pregnancy!

The nurse nodded. "Why don't you go get the baby girl and let her mother see her." She said to another nurse. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"Okay, I guess." I whispered slowly sitting up but flinched in the process. "Is my boyfriend here at all?"

The nurse's face twisted. "I'll let you brother take care of that question." And just then Andy walked on holding a small pink bundle.

"Hey." He grinned at me before giving me that bundle. "She's a cute little thing."

I looked down at the blue eyed baby girl. She had her father's eyes yet the hair on her head was my blond hair.

I smiled down at my little creation before looking up at mu brother. "Where's Jagger?"

Andy sighed heavily. "Jagger got arrested for killing dad. That night everything happened Jagger just shot him without thinking. He was thinking of you and your daughter nothing more. The cops cane for him the next day but they wont let him free until you wake up and confess to what dad has done to you. They will the set up a court date to clear everything up."

I stared at my older brother in shock. "He killed dad?"

Andy nodded.

I looked at my little girl. "When can I confess and see Jagger?"

"When the doctors release you." Andy told me. "Now I the mean time what are you gunna name her?" He looked down at his niece.

I looked down at her as well, he eyes now closed as she slept soundly in my arms.

"I'm gunna name her Juliet Riley." I whispered looking down at my daughter.

Jagger's P.O.V.

Yet another week has past yet something changed. I had a visitor meaning the guards let me out of my cell to go meet in another room.

Stepping into to the room I say a grill with hair of two colors, blond on top and a bright red flowing down.

As soon as the door closed behind me the girl turned to reveal the love of my life.

"Emma!" I gasped walking up to her.

I kissed her right then and there. "Damn babe, I've missed you." I was just about to kneel down and kiss her rounded stomach when I noticed there was a pink bundle in her arms.

"Jagger meet our daughter." She told me. "I hope you don't mind, I've already named her."

I picked up my baby girl looking down at her. "Hi baby girl." Tears in my eyes I looked up at Emma with a smile. "What's her name?"

"Juliet Riley Thompson." She told me.

I grinned at my last name. "I love it now I just have to change your last name and we are all good."

Emma giggled. "Lets do that soon. Anyway I told the cops everything and they're letting you go today but there will be a court date set for all of this."

I nodded looking down at my little girl. "Damn you two are gunna be spoiled."

Emma smiled before she made me look up at her. "Thank you."

I knew what she meant. I didn't have to say a thing, I just kissed the love of my life.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, too." I kissed her again, our daughter in my arms between us. "Now lets go home."

She nodded before taking Juliet from me to put her in the car seat I hadn't know was there.

I grabbed the car seat before wrapping my arms around my love. "How was the delivery anyway?"

"The doctor said that I was still I the coma when it was time so they did a sea section but as for me being pregnant with complications and being in a coma everything went well. They were able to keep the two of us at a health level and there were no major complications."

"Good." I smiled.

We then walked out of the room, the officer leading me to the place where I could get my clothes and the things they took when they made the arrest.


Juliet was sound asleep by the time we got the my old apartment. I'm surprised that I still owned the damn place but turns out that for the past six months Echo and a few other people have helped to make it a baby friendly home.

I smiled to myself as Emma walked around. Damn she's gotten even hotter over the tine I was gone. Oh the things I wanted to do to that body of hers but I forced the thoughts away as we put our daughter in her new crib or well that was the crib in our room so it made things easier for us over the next couple months while we tested the water of becoming new parents.

Emma yawned crawling I bed pulling me with her where she curled up into my chest.

"So I'm hoping to drop out of the gang so that I can do a more simple job. I wanna go back to the band. They guys want me back to, or well they did six months ago."  I told her.

Emma smiled. "Going back to the band would be like going back to the rock show wherw we meet."

I grinned. "My thoughts exactly."

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