Leaving Home

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5 days later...

Mary was looking from the window. Yes, she agreed. She will go to Austria to visit prince Joseph and if they like each other, marry him. She had 5 days time to think about. She had looked at his portrait (on a horse with a sword). He was a tall young prince with blue eyes, blonde curly hair. She was ready to see him and marry because all princesses are like a pawn on a chess desk. They have to do everything for their parents and of course for their country... 

 "Come in..." Mary's father King Henry came inside. "how do you feel? " said he.                                                        

"Not bad actually... I know I chose the right way. I am the princess of France and I have to save my future country. Mustn't I? "  Henry looked to his daughter "I know you did the right choice. We are so proud of you. You will be the strongest Queen of France. I believe in that."                                          Mary smiled "I know..." 

Mary's big royal carriage with two horses was ready. At the back of two big dower chests. All workers of the palace, graphs and etc. were looking and everyone was proud of her. Suddenly Henry and Catherine came with Mary and they stopped near the coach. Catherine saw how a teardrop fell from her eye. "O Mary..." she took a shawl and gently wiped off her tears. "Believe me we also don't want to send you. But you are a young woman now. If not today then tomorrow you will marry another prince... Happiness is what we Queens never have. But I am sure you will..." she hugged Mary again "I will miss you so much...Write me soon as possible we will wait..."

Mary looked last time to the palace and then went to the inside of the carriage. And they went... She looked back and her family was gone ... after some minutes they were a dot. Of course, going by carriage to Switzerland and then to Austria was the easiest way. But her parents thought the great way is to go by ship through the bay of Biscay. This way was longer but safer... 

2 days left...

It was evening and dark.  Mary was enjoying a nice bath after some days. With lots of candles near her. Her servant, girl named Lola (with blue eyes and curly brown hair) was massaging her head and Mary was relaxing. 

"Is it good your majesty?"

"Yes, thank you, Lola..."

"Everyone is so proud of you. Everyone loves your loyalty, your courage, and braveness."

Mary smiled. " I know... being a princess is not that easy. Every girl want's to be in my place but they don't imagine how difficult that is... I don't know if I will love Prince Joseph but he will be my husband. And I will live in Austria, but I am French. And if I will have a choice to choose one of this two countries, I will choose mine..."

The ship stopped...

Mary looked at Lola "What is wrong? , why did we stopped"  Lola ran to the window and scared "Oh God... Your majesty, the pirates!"

"We must leave now" said Mary.  Lola brought her dress. Mary started to dress as soon as she could. Something knocked the ship. They scared. 

"Lola tell the captain that they have to pull the white flag, or we will die!" The ship was shaking and all the books fell down from shelves. After some minutes everything stopped... Mary was alone with Lola. They heard steps. Somebody opened the door with the foot. They were 5-6 people and they caught captain himself and his workers. 

"Who are you? " said a man who was in front of Mary.

"Maybe you don't know who I am. But I know. You are pirates!"

" Pirates? " he laughed. " We are from Ottoman Empire. But you seem like a princess or maybe somebody very rich and important." 

" I am Mary Stuart, Princess of France! I will give what you want, but let us go... Don't kill us..."

"We are not here to kill, princess."  he looked at Mary. "If you give us what we want..."

"What is that..."

"We want you, princess and your friend"

"That's impossible! You can't touch me! " Mary took a knife from the table but the man was faster and he slept mary. She fell to the floor.

"So that's how it works princess?! Now I will show my way..." -He took Mary to the table and wanted to rape her but he didn't because his captain came. "Iskender!, don't even try to touch her! " He was a stout man with a long beard. Iskender let Mary but she was crying. Captain Barbaros looked at her and said "Well Princess... we are going."

"You can't take me! " said Mary.

"Shut up! I saved your life and you have two choices. First is that you come with us or you die. So choose right  know!" 

Mary would die but she thought maybe she can escape after some days and that's why she said: "where are we going?" The man looked at her and said: "to the heart of the world..."

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