Chapter 3 (The Ottoman Empire)

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The ship was going on a completely another way to the Mediterranean Sea. The way was long Mary and her servant were the only ones who survived the attack of Ottomans. The ship was the same but the captains were different. Mary was calling them pirates and one-day evening, one of the ottomans got angry and slept her for this. "If you will call us again like that, I will destroy you!" Mary looked at him with anger "You have to stop keeping me like a prisoner!". The man's name was called Davud and he said to Mary " Look at me, little girl, If you will call me a pirate again I will rape you and if you will scream I will cut your throat. Do you want that?". Mary couldn't say anything, she just sat on the floor.  "Now eat your food! We don't need you as a dead princess, we need you alive" said Davud. Mary didn't want to eat the food which was given her by that man so she threw the food away and began to cry. Davud heard that and screamed: "That's enough I will teach you a lesson!". He grabbed her and put her on the table. Mary began to scream and hoped that someone can save her but Davud was too strong. He began to lick her neck. Suddenly the captain heard Marys scream and came to help. He pulled the door with his foot and throw the knife to Davuds back. Davud who wanted to rape Mary was dead and fell bleeding on the floor. Captain looked at Mary.

 "Are you okay? Did he touch you?!"

"No... Thank you. You... saved my life..."

"Well, Princess I think you need some fresh air."

He went away. Mary gently climbed and went out from the basement. Lola was waiting for her already and helped her to climb out. The fresh air touched her hair. She looked around and saw the Istanbul.   The main city and the heart of Ottoman Empire. Captain laughed and said: "Welcome to Istanbul princess!". Mary couldn't see much because it was a night. She saw some other ships near the coast. And the magical big Palace. The palace seemed little because it was far away from Mary.  Suddenly began Fireworks. They were loud and colourful. The fireworks were coming from coasts. Mary forgot about everything. She looked at  Fireworks with passion. Captain came to her and said: "You will love this place I promise". Mary looked at him. "Are there fireworks every year? Or is it some celebration?". "It is a celebration, the old conqueror died, his son is on the throne now"...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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