Fight For Me

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Chapter 1


Urrrrghhhh! I slammed my fist down on that god forsaken alarm clock. Its 6:30am. I slowly get up and grab my things and head for the bathroom. I try to shower as quickly as possible considering I dont want to wake up my mother. I've had enough of her.

When Im done in the shower I pull on some black skinny jeans, a white tanktop, and a purple raglan I stole from Macy's. I towel dry my wet black naturally curly hair and throw it up in messy bun. I reach in the medicine cabinet and take out my special box. It should contian forty needles and forty little bottles of AED's but sadly I have two of each left. I'll need to go to the pharmacy and pick up my perscription. I go through the routine of setting up my needle like the nurse taught me and roll up my sleeve. Damn. My arm is bruising again. I sigh and pull down my sleeve and roll up the other one. " Shit." This arm is bruised too. I sigh again and get ready to do it in my wrist. Small tears escape my eyes as I inject the medicine into my bloodstream.

I wrap a bandage around my wrist and look at myself in the mirror. A face stares back at me. Piercing blue eyes, elegant nose, and full lips with a creamy complexion. " I wonder what it feels like to be pretty. " I mumble as I apply foundation to mask the bruise forming on the right side of my jaw. "Too many fights" I whisper to nobody and leave the bathroom.

I head to my small and tight excuse for a bedroom. I pull on my black hightops I stole from Journey's and my varsity jacket I stole form Forever 21.

" I need to get some cash " I mumbled

" Stealing seems to work for you " I jumped and looked to the voice only to find my mother in the doorway looking at me. She has some serious bags under her eyes.

I sigh, "What are you doing awake" I asked. "Cant sleep" she says.

"Well you need to get some sleep for your shift. You need to be to work 10:00" I told her.

"I know goddammit !" she whisper yelled. "I can take care of myself Amy, Im not the child you are."

"Dont call me Amy mother, my name is Amanda and it will stay that way" I warned.

"Just grab your damn stuff and get your ass to school" she said.

"Yeah whatever" She'll be lucky if I even go to school. "Just dont touch my needles I only have enough for tonight"

"I wont touch you goddamn needles, why would I want them?" She said in flat tone.

"Whatever" I grabbed my bag and crappy ass cellphone and headed out the door.


Once I was on the street walking I checked the time. 7:19am according to my purple watch August got me for my fourteenth birthday. She probably stole it but oh well. She's my girl and I always got her back like she got mine.


My phone vibrating telling my I have and incoming call. Its August.

"Get to talkin" I say

"Well good morning to you too sunshine" she say.

"Whats good? You never call this early." I told her

"Well I just wanted to tell you that Mary started about you, again."

"Enlighten me"

"Well according to her you been shooting up"

"Shooting up what exactly" My voice hard, anger starting to bubble.


"Man, fuck her, she knows what my deal is !" I yelled while turning onto Kyle's block.

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