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I woke up to Kyke and August staring at me with wide eyes. "Girl you had me so worried!" August screeched. "Shut the hell up, damn." I said holding my head. "So your really leaving?" I sigh. I rolled off the bed and put my shirt and jacket on. "Yeah I am." They both sat in silence. "Wanna help me pack?" Tryna move on to a diffrent topic. "Its almost four anyway. We have to leave for the airplace at like 7:30" They nodded. I walked down the stairs and found Kyles mom and ran to her and gave her a huge hug. "Im leaving" I told her.

"I know, I heard" She rubbed my back comfortably. Im gonna miss this. I pulled away and she gave me a warm smile. I walk to the living room to find Jamil. I gave him a huge hug. He seemed surprised by this. "I knew you'd come around" I laughed quietly. "Ja, Im leaving for Florida tonight. Im gonna miss you" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and started towards the door.

"Lets go"

We all walked in silence until we got to my house. "Mom!"


"Kyle and August are helping me pack" We all walked to my room.

It was a mess as usual. My mom had already put a bunch of empty boxes for me in there.

"Okay, we have about two hours, lets get this done. August, blast some music then take a box and do the pictures and nick nacks. Kyle take my purple suitcases and duffel bags and do my clothes. I'll work on my bathroom shit." They nodded and August put on The Motto by Drake.

About five minutes into it I hear this.

"Kyle put that down!!"


"Kyle, Amandas gonna get pissed!!"

I put down my special box and go into my room. I see August chasing Kyle around my room who is modelling my purple and black lacy bra. I quickly grab my film camera and take a couple shots.


They both stop.

"You two are such children, I mean, damn. Hurry up. The faster we get this done, we can have a group crying session. And Kyle, No more modelling my underwear."

I walk back into the bathroom. All of my stuff has been put into boxes. I keep my special box unpacked so I can have it with me. I lug the boxes down stairs and put them by the front door.

"Mom, Im putting my special box on the kitchen table. Please do not touch it."

"Yeah whatever, get your ass up stairs and finish."

Goddamn. Some mother she is. I walk back up stairs and into my room.

"Progress has been made I see." All of my pictures and stuff are off the walls and in boxes. Most of my clothes are in suitcases.

"Theres still a bit more clothes but I dont know where to put them" Kyle said.

"Dont worry" I said grabbing a duffell bag. I put a few outfits and underwear in there along with some sneakers.

"Okay, all that really needs to be done now is my bed sheets, shoes, laptop, and electrical stuff."

August immediately goes to my bed. I take my purple PINK bag and opu tmy laptop, its charger, my phone charger, my alarm clock, and my ipod, and ipod dock into it.

"Theres one last box and Im going to put your shoes in them, kay?" Kyle said. "Yup"

"hey what about your sheets?" I look at August, then my sheets. "You know what, leave them there. I dont need them."

We lug everything downstairs.

"Amanda we have about a half hour before we need to leave." Uggh, shut up. I hate you.

Me, Kyle, and August sat in the middle of the floor. We sat in silence.

" Im gonna miss you" August started "You know your always gonna be my girl. And I love you". I felt tears in my eyes and hugged her.

"You know I got your back and you'll always be my number one. And I love you" Kyle, guiet with tears in his eyes. I hug him. "I love you too"

I sigh. "Okay listen, I have about thirty minutes on my phone. I will call you both when I land but theres gonna be a time difference."

"Well I'll stay at Kyles house that way you can call him and we'll both be there" August said.


I walk to grab my special box and I put it in my bag. I reach in the grab my camera.

I took a few of August and Kyle. A few of August and me. A few of all of us together. Then I handed the camera to August. She took some of Kyle and me. We were about to walk out the door when Kyle grabbed me.

"I really am gonna miss you, your always gonna be my girl, I love you dont ever forget that" He pulled me in ad kissed me. His lips were soft and smooth. He tasted like honey. I heard August taking pictures but I didnt care. It seemed like minutes but was probly only seconds. I pulled away. We all had one last hug together. August gave me the camera and they walked me to the car.

"We'll miss you." They say.

I get into the car. I didnt even notice that movers already came and left with all of our stuff. My mom started the car. We pulled away and I looked I looked back, just staring at what used to be my life. Leaving my two bestfriends behind. 

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