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Fuck, fuck, fuck my life. Fuck my life so bad. La la la, la la la, la la la, la la I want to kill myself.

"Oh would you stop complaining. And dont swear like that, there are people around." Haha, oh shit. I thought I was singing that in my head. Oh well. I walk through the airport towards gate 23. All I have with me is my PINK bag and a suitcase.

"Amanda, WAIT" Ugh, fuck you mom. I keep walking until I see it. I sit myself on a bench, humming to myself.

"Young lady I told you to wait for me." I look up. Surprise surprise. Well fuck you mom. "You expect me to listen to you after you destroy my life. Not happening." Take that bitch. I get no response. I put in my earphones and listen to music. Senior Skip Day by Mac Miller comes on. MAC BBAABBYY! I love him. As the song plays I find myself subcontiously rapping along with him.

"I'm just high why they hatin on me?

People tend to think all the dranks on me

I don't even have the money to spend

To buy patron for you and all your friends

Baby I be on my grind

Rain sleet snow

Rollin up good every place we go

Cause we tryin to get high get high get high

Know the bullshit and all the problems

But we too gone to see

Little bit of this and a little bit of that

We proceed to give them what they need"

"Would you shut the hell up" I look to my side. My mom is staring at me. "Well damn then, sorry for trashing your mood." I swear, everything I do is wrong.

"Just come on, our flight is about to board." Whatever.

I trudge along behind my mom. Dont even care how I look like. Fuck bitches and their opinion. We get on the plane. Im not sitting with my mom. Fuck yes. I get comfortable about to ready myself for sleep when someone sit in beside me. Ugggh! FUCK ME! I look over to see its a guy, probably 17 or 18. I dont wanna deal with anybody's crap.

I take out my laptop and play around for a little while with various tabs open. Facebook, twitter, tumblr. All of that shit. I peek from the corner of my eye and see mr. whateverthefuck his name is beign nosy and looking at my blog.

"Do ya mind?" The guys looks kinda startled.

"Sorry I uh, was just, uh, looking." What the fuck.

"If you wanna look then just follow my blog, god damn." I hate people. I really do.

"Im sorry."

"Yeah whatever."

I choose to not acknowledge him for the rest of the flight. But I did get a couple new followers, one being him. Whatever.

Hours and hours pass by. I didnt get to sleep at all. Mr. Fucker here snored the whole time. I didnt need any medicine because I didnt sleep. Whatever. I get off the plane. I wait for my mom because I have no idea where to go. Soon she shows up next to me.

"I have to go to the bathroom" I say and walk to where I see a restroom. I go in a head for the sink. I take my box out of my bag. I proceed to inject myself. Nobody else is in here with me. I finish and head back out. I see my mom waiting with some other white dude in a suit.

Wait, what?

"This is Marty, he's going to take us to our new home" Great, Im sooooo excited. Not the sarcasism.


I follow them to a big black SUV.

"Your luggage and everything has already been transported Mams." Well damn,

"Where are you from, England or some shit?"

"AMANDA! You will not talk to him like that."


"Its quite alright mam"


"I should slap you"

"But you wont"


Haha I won. We drive to wherever the fuck it is that we're going.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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