Part 19

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I feels like we are falling forever and I hear the female voice, “Open the portal you fool!” she hisses to someone.  This is definitely not good, and then there is a sudden rush of ice cold wind.  I’m scarred and all I can do is yell in fear, “LOKI!!!!”  I know I am no longer in Asguard so my cries didn’t matter. I hear more voice; they are all ice cold with distain and hate.

“Where will we put Rina? Or will you just let us gut her now?” the hateful voice says. I cover my mouth to stop my screams from ringing out.

“No you fool we need her alive, and that is no way to talk about our future queen!!  She and King Loki will finish what Laufey started on Midgard, and they will make us great once again, the female I am coming to know as Rina says with an evil laugh.  Tears start to stream down my face, then suddenly I am getting flipped upside down and I am falling and land hard, slamming on to the stone floor covered in ice, I skid across the floor and hit the wall hard.  I’m dazed, when I open my eyes it is dim but I can see 2 large blue figures.

“She’s not ugly now that I see her in the light.” One says to the other.  I want to vomit, I don’t know if it’s from the probable concussion I have from slamming in to the wall or knowing that they are checking me out.   They walk over and I hold my breath and done move, one grabs my arms and pulls them up toward him, and then I feel gold metal on my wrist and a “Click” I look down and I am in ice cold iron cuffs.  Again the tears start to come down my face, the Frost Giant looks at and snickers, “Once you’re one of us, you won’t be crying.”  He says.

I look up at him, “What do you mean?” I ask.

“I don’t want to ruin Rina’s fun, you will find out soon enough.” He said with a sadistic laugh and leaves me alone in the cold stone room that was now my cell.

I try not to panic but it is hard, I want Loki.  I try to keep my mind busy with how to get out, I look around the room for something to pick the lock on the cuffs, I find nothing.  I sit back down and wonder how they got in to Asguard.

I can hear a commotion in the next room, more Frost Giants have returned from Asguard, but not many by the sound of it.  One laughs loudly, “Prince Loki has a temper; he fought us fiercely off alongside Thor and The Allfather once he was released from his chains.  They will regroup and be here soon so we need to hurry and move her off world, NOW!” He says to someone.  I can hear the female voice again, Rina, “Ok We need to start the transformation process.” She hisses, and I can hear them coming for me. 

I get up and try to see if I can reach the window but I slip the ice is melting, and I keep slipping I can’t get a grip, I start to crawl. The door fly’s open and a hand full of Frost Giants come charging in to the room, and I close my eyes and think of summer, hoping that will keep them away.  Soon I feel water and hear them fall, I open my eyes and see everything melting rapidly, I get up and try to make it for the door but I feel ice old hands around my neck and I am lifted in the air.  I kick and try to wrestle out of the strong grip but it is no use.  Soon I am face to face with whom the hands belong to, Rina, she pretty, tall with long lashes over her big red eyes, long blackish blue hair, thin pointy lips and a long nose.

 She smiles, “You are stronger than I thought, and you are melting my home, my friends and me.  But I can put a stop to that quickly.” She said wickedly with a laugh.  I make one last attempt to get away and reach for her face and put my hangs touch the side of her icy cheek, she screams in pain I can see steam coming from her face and I can feel the heat radiating off my hands.  I got her, soon she drops me.  I get up and run, I don’t look back I just run out the door and make a left and run down the hall way.  I can hear them coming after me, but I am so focused on not getting caught, the floor is no longer melting and I start to slide and lose my footing and slide across the ice and hit the wall hard. 

Soon I am surrounded by Frost Giants, “She is powerful.” They say among themselves.  I can hear Rina, “Dagger her you fools! That will but an end to her games!” she screeches.  She approaches me like a lion staking its prey. I just look up at her when she finally reaches me.  I stand and hold my hands up, since they are my only weapon knowing that my head is fuzzing from the blow to head I just took and I can’t focus on a summer thought I am defenseless.  I look up at the bitch and smile, “I can’t wait till you are just a puddle at my feet.” I say and lunge at her once last time I am not going down without a fight.  She catches by my throat and lifts me in the air again.

 She pulls her other hand back behind her back and plunges it in to my left side of my abdomen.  I am shocked by the blow and look down, and see a crystal like dagger sticking out of my side.  It was made of ice.  She lets me go and I crash down to the floor, breaking the handle of the dagger leaving the blade in me.  The pain paralyzes me, tears start to fall down my face again but they start to freeze as they fall.  

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