Chapter 35

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The bright colorful lights fade away as the bifrost as brought us to our destination and it’s very cold here.  Loki is still holding me right, molding my body in to his.  My coat is heavy and furry. I pull it tighter around me.  I can see my breath as I look around and all I can see is ice and rubble.  It makes me wonder what Jotunheim looked like when Laufey was alive and they had the coffin.

Sif and Volstagg walk in from of Loki and I.  Thor is right behind with Hogan and Fandrall, along with a few other guards. 

We aren’t sure what is to be expected, Loki has his arms wrapped around me, keeping me close, as we make our way to the old temple, we keep looking around for Calder or any one from that matter but there is no one to be seen.

“Where is everyone?” I ask, my voice louder than I intended, so it echoes.  Then we hear rocks moving about above us, everyone turns their backs to me, making a protective circle with me in the middle.  All of their weapons drawn, Loki has me close, his back to my front.

“In your coat pocket I have furnished you with one of my daggers.” Loki whispers.

I reach in side and feel for it, I feel the cool steel handle.

“Loki, I’ve never used one.” I whisper back worried, remembering our talk about how he didn’t wish for me to handle one since I had not had the proper training with it or any other weapon.

He turns to face me. He opens my coat and puts his hand on the soft spot on the right side of me, right below my rib cage.

“Stick it here, and push up with all your strength, Okay?! Use their momentum against them.” he says seriously looking me dead in my eyes. 

“Do you understand? If I or Thor cannot get to you and you are attacked do not hesitate.  Wait till you see the red of their eyes then pull out the dagger and drive it as deep as you can here.” He says as he pushes on the soft spot making me winch.

“Do not remove it till you snuff out the life in their eyes.” He says protectively.  “I need you to promise me!” Now his tone is urgent and needy and his eyes filled with worry.  It breaks my heart.  I nod my head.

“No say it!” he demands.

“I promise.” I say and as soon as the words leave my mouth Loki’s lips come crashing down one mine for a hard swift kiss.  Then he turns around and pulls me close to his back side again.

“Stay close to me or Thor at all times.” He orders.  I nod, though he cannot seem me.

I look around for Thor and I don’t have to look far, he is to my right looking around for anything that does not seem right.

We hear a rumble above us.  We look up and as we do the rumble turns in to a roar of ice and boulders crashing down on us.  I let out a terrified scream and I feel Loki grab my wrist and we start to run. We find a small cave like nook to hide in.

“Thor!” Loki yells out worried, but there is no response.

I can feel the ground shake and shift beneath my feet as the rock and ice rain down on us.  Loki pulls me close to him protecting me from the falling ice shards, I burry my face in to his chest scarred.  A few moments later the rock slide stops, but I am still shaking.  There is a thick cloud of dust making it hard to see.

“Are you hurt?” Loki asks shaken up and worried.  I shake my head no, because I am unable to speak.  Loki kisses my forehead and pulls me close to him.

“You are shaking.” He exclaims as he holds my trembling hands to his cheek kissing my palms.  “Are you sure you are okay?” he asks again. 

I look up at him, his big emerald eyes dimmed with worry.  I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

“Yes My Love. Are you? What of the others?” I ask my voice still a little shaky.

“I will check, stay here. Do not move.” He says sternly.  I nod yes and give him a weak smile. Mostly because I do not think I can move, I am still frightened.  Even on Earth I was never fond of earthquakes, they always gave me anxiety, and right now was no exception.

Loki leaves to look for the others, I can hear him calling Thor’s name.

“Here Brother!” Thor finally responds after Loki has called for him a few times.   I soon hear the others as well.  I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding.

“Stephanie we are coming for you.” Loki shouts.

I still cannot see much, even though the dust is finally starting to settle.

“Okay!” I call out, and then I hear them starting to make their way to me.  But something catches my attention from the corner of my eye.  It darts to the left and I turn.  I see a small figure, too small to be a frost giant.  “It must be a child.” I think to myself.

Then I hear the rumbling again, but this it is coming from above the child.  I can barely make out how far the child is, but I do not care, I know the child is too small to be able to get out of the way. The child will be crushed if I don’t do something, so I run to safe them. Breaking my promise to Loki by leaving the safety my nook.

“Stephanie stop!” I can hear Loki scream.

But it is too late, the rocks are crashing down again.  I manage to get to the child in time and pull us in a spot under a small rock ledge, protecting us from the hailing rocks and ice. When it stops there I hear Loki calling my name.

“I am here, I am ok.” I say as I cough from the new cloud of dust.  Loki does not respond to me.  When the dust finally settles I see that we are buried and it feels like a mountain of rocks are separating me from Loki. 

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