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Annoying is online

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Read Sunday 9:40pm
Giant: hey

Annoying: hi

Giant: what's good

Annoying: the weather today

Giant: it rlly is but I'm at a party

Annoying: can't relate

Giant: where are your friends

Annoying: asleep or partying

Giant: that's unfortunate

Annoying: most definitely

Giant: smh this chick keeps checking me out

Annoying: no she's probably looking at your eyebrows

Giant: no she checkin the bod

Annoying: ew lol

Giant: anyways wyd

Annoying: I've been invited to a party and to look pretty

Giant: u can look pretty? Lol r u sure

Annoying: I'm not but he does so lol

Giant: he who

Annoying: none of ya business hooligan lol

Giant: damn okay

Annoying: gotcha

Giant: so how are you gonna look pretty

Annoying: makeup

Annoying: I'm not full Chinese so I don't look the part when I don't have makeup on lol

Giant: what else are you

Annoying: Hispanic:))

Giant: aye mami

Annoying: I'm boutta block you 

Giant has changed your nickname to Mami

Mami: I can't believe you

Giant: sorry I don't make the rules that's a designated name

Mami: nO Its nOt if IT'S A YOLKE

Giant: yeah it is and you mean joke?

Mami: I wanna strangle you  and yes

Giant: kinky ;)

Mami: I'm leaving for this party u better stop

Giant: u should be safe & take a taxi d00d

Read 9:10pm

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