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Benio was still holding Rokuro's hand. As if she doesn't want to let it go but on there way home Benio slightly letting Rokuro's hand. Then turned around so that she can faced Rokuro.

After 5 minutes she step backed and walked away. Rokuro was confused so he ran after her and grabbed Benio's arm.
Benio was pulling it but Rokuro holding it tight.

"Why are you doing this Rokuro?" Benio asked him.

"What do you mean Benio?" He asked her.

" That girl said you're going to give her a chance don't you?!" Benio said with a sad faced.

"Amhf  well yes I said it. But I don't think I have feelings for her." Rokuro said.

Then he turned Benio to him so that he can see Benio's faced and he saw that there's a tears from her eyes going down on her cheeks.

"Hey why are you crying? " he asked benio while wiping it of hands.

"I just don't understand. The way I feels for you. I know I don't have a right to like you. But I don't  know how did this come? You've always showed your kindness to me. Your always there to save me. I just..  I just. " she confessed and she ran away from Rokuro.

"Benio!! Hey Benio!! " He keeps on shouting but Benio ran fast.



What should I do? She already confessed and I'm was going to do that but she did it already. I like Benio. After meeting her I made up my mind. I'm in love with her so I take some of time to think what should I do first.

"Should I confessed to her too?"
I asked myself.

I've decided I'm going to confessed now. I went to her room and knocked it.

"Benio are you there?" I asked
But no one answered.

I knocked again and she opened it. She looks very sad.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked her.

"Rokuro do you think I'm not good for you?" She asked me surprisingly.

"You don't have to do anything that well makes you to be more better for me. And I'll tell it to you as many times as I want."I answered her.

"But still you have someone." She said and she's going to closed the door but I hold it and I grabbed her arm.

"I like you!! I like you Benio!!" I shouted at her then I kissed her.

"The moment I first meet you." I shouted at her and I fulled her so that I can hugged tight.

"I I thought you don't like me?" She asked me again.

"I like you. I really like you." I answered her.

Then she hugged me too.

After that night we confessed.

3Months later


I'm so happy learning that Rokuro likes me too. After our confession we are now 3months dating and yes he'd become my boyfriend and no one knows about it.

"Hey Rokuro whose this girl that you're dating huh?!" I heard one of my classmate asked rokuro.

"You don't have a right to know it." He said proudly

"I know who is that girl!!" Chiaki said because she know it.

"Who!? Who is it? Is she's here in school too?" Someone asked the g

"Tch! " Shimon interrupted while looking in the outside field.

Yes he knows that I am ROKURO'S girlfriend also Shimon and Mayura we're dating too.

"Adashino san? " mayura called me.

"Yes otomi san?" I asked her.

" We're having a party at Seika dormitory. My dad will attend so if you don't mind you and Rokuro will have to attend too?😊" she asked me.

"Sure we're going. I know that your dad is one of the twelve guardians right otomi-san?" I asked her.

"You're right adashino-san. " shimon said.

"And you know I admired Seigen-san " with a red faced.

You know I  thought sometimes Ikaruga san looks like a gay but I guest it's not. Because he has a girlfriend Mayura. I was thinking how do they become couple.

"Rokuro! " I called him.
" Hai!" He answered.

"We're going to visit the seika Otomi- san said that Seigen-san will attend there too." I said to him.

"Really?!" He was excited.

"Hey don't get Seigen-san's attention ok?!" Shimon said.

"Hah?!" Rokuro reacted.

After our class we went to Seika dormitory.

"SEIGEN SAN!!" shimon shouted

"Yo."Seigen answered with no emotion(his natural faced in SOUSEI NO ONMYOUJI)

"Where's Rokuro and this adashino girl?" He asked shimon.
Then shimon pointed at us and he went straight to us that makes shimon pissed off.


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