The Sirens Are Coming

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It was a new day, People from the nearby town mapehill heard the explosion and saw smoke coming from the forest, Nothing but Sirens were heard that morning...
'What happened here?' The police offer muffled to the fire department 811 chief.
'Not sure ma'am, possible gas leak? We are looking in to it.'
'Alright, let me know if you find anything.'
Immediately after a group of firemen start calling for help, 'OVER HERE, WE GOT 2 DOWN!'
Everyone in the radius runs and pulls as much debris off as they can. Lifting for a few minutes the boys are cleared from it all.
'Get me an ambulance PRONTO, these boys are from Eaglestead. The police officer shouted.
The boys are rushed into an ambulance moments later and taken to Eaglestead hospital.
KJ's Family is called and are struck with shock and grief, they get to the hospital as soon as they hear the news. Nobody could get through to Ariels Father, Voicemail every time.
'Hey Elliot..Jane here, Listen I'm at the hospital and I've just watched your kid and his friend get wheeled into A&E, you better get here.. soon.'
A few hours later the dad comes rushing in. Bed head, shoes untied, shirt unbuttoned. 'Hey can you help me? My son was rushed here maybe a few hours ago?'
'What's the name sir?' The nurse replied.
'Uhmm Ariel, Ariel O'Connor..'
'Sorry sir, Visitation is currently prohibited for this patient, you will need to wait a few hours as he needs to rest.' The nurse explained.
'No? What? Are you KIDDING ME?' The dad exploded into anger and ran towards a police officer he saw in the hall..
'OFFICER!' He shouted.
The officer turned, as she saw who it was she stood with a surprised look on her face..'Elliot?! You're here..?'
Elliot stood in shock, 'Jane? You're an officer...? You..You made the call.. I got it on my voicemail..Jane they won't let me see him, you gotta help me please you gotta do something?!'
Jane put her hand on his shoulder, 'Elliot, you have to wait.. nobody is allowed to see either of them at the moment..Sit, I'll explain what happened...'. They both moved over to the nearest chairs and sat. 'Elliot what where you doing last night?' Jane asked.. 'I..I cant remember? I have a really fuzzy brain..I had a few drinks that's about all I remember..'
'Elliot, Ariel snuck out last night with his friends to this house just outside of Eaglestead and mapehill.. the house exploded with them inside of it and they were covered in debris..'
Elliot tears up, 'I should of been there..I'm dead beat and I SHOULD OF BEEN THERE.'
Elliot stands ready to punch the wall but Jane stops him from making the choice, 'He's going to be fine Elliot..I got a look at them both before they came in and I saw the strangest thing...KJ Brian..his friend, Covered in bruises all over his body..but Ariel..Ariel had nothing?! No scratches, no marks, no bruises..nothing!'
Elliot looks at Jane with confusion..
A doctor interrupts.. 'Excuse me are you Mr O'Connor?'
Elliot nods.
'Your son is awake sir.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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