The Fall of The Game Breaker

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   *Vvvsssss, pzzz, pzzz, bvvvvv,bzsur bszur*- The sounds of an assortment of lasers going off. What's making these noises? One of the hardest arcade games ever created 'Cyborg X-gen Mega' (AN: Not a real game as far as I know).

"Woah this guy is insane!!!"- Random A
"I know right! He is on the final boss and still has more health than it!"- Random B

So if it's so hard, then who is playing this game so spectacularly?

"He's really doing it! He's gonna break another game!"- Random C
"Break it?"- Random A
"Don't you know? This guy beats almost any and every fighting game out there, but he does it so well it mine as well be breaking them."- Random B
"He's got over 4 million subscribers on YouTube too due to how epic he is."- Random C
"Wait really? What's his name I'll search him up!"- Random A

That's right, the man in a black hoodie beating a supposedly unbeatable game in an arcade is-

""The Game Breaker""- Random B and C.

Yeah....I'm not really that good with names am I? Naming my self 'The Game Breaker'. Honestly when I first made my YouTube channel, I did it as a joke. (AN: This is the MC if you haven't guessed already). I know I know, fourth wall breaking, but I don't really care for book rules, I'm a gamer not a writer.

"It's gone into its bezerk state!"- Random B
"It's twice as fast!"- Random A

You think I don't know that? I'm trying to enjoy a game here and you guys are annoying. Why do you guys even need dialogue, this ain't about you is it?

*RRRRRRAAAAWWWWWRRRRR*- A fun bosses final cry.
"He did it, He *Sob* did it!"- Random B
"After so many years, it's finally dead!"- Random C
"This is, the happiest day of my life!"- Random A

Seriously why are you guys crying? I'm the one that beat it. Better record my name and get out of here quick. Let's see...

[Player, 'Game Breaker' has been recorded as the beater of the game. Please come play again!]

Another game where my name is at the top. So many tournaments I've won, so many games I've put my name as number one in. I'm now one of the most famous gamers in the world thanks to my school, all while keeping my identity hidden, cause being annoyed all the time is not something I want.

Now, I should go home, already out the door and down the street before those randoms realized I left.

*Dada dingding dada dingding dada ding ding ding ding*- Oh, my phone.

"Hey Leo! Leo Ferwel! You there?"- I was sighing because it's my annoying friend. He found out I was the game breaker when I was recording a video one day and he always is-

"I got a new game you can play! It's called 'This Time, Your the Villain'. Trust me, I've played it and it's good!"- He is always asking me to do a play through of dating games. And wait? Do these video game makers have just as horrible of a naming sense as I do?

"Hah~, how many times have I told you! I don't play dating games!"- I shouted through the phone but no one was around.
"It's not just a pure dating game though! It's like the games you play but with an added dating aspect. Trust me it's fun!"- Fun....he is enthusiastic about this but knowing him.....

"What's the catch?"
"Your a villain instead of a hero..."- Kinda in the name.
" must enslave all of the capture targets and the bosses are the's extremely sadistic...."- Yep, there it's is. My friend is not sadistic in real life but when it comes to games....

"You know I'm not sadistic right? Why the heck do you think I would play that game?"
"Don't worry, it's relatively easy even for me! It may take a bit of time but you have to play it!"- No I don't.
"Still a no."

"What if I said that people who complete the game with 100% completion rate get a free 'VR NEG 22880'?"- Wait really? The new VR set that's so immersive you can feel everything and the games have no bounds! I haven't been able to get one because I'm so poor since I give all my money to different charities and orphanages but....

"By the way, no ones got above 90% completion rate. To get that last ten percent, you can't take any damage the entire game."- Not any damage? That....will be hard....but I really want that VR set....

"Fine, bring it over."

And so, my month of playing that game repeatedly because just the slightest miss click in battles would give me damage started.


FINALLY! I got the last Hero down on his knees, after I kill him, I can finally be done with this sick name. But seriously, achieving the whole 'Take no damage' thing is hard! Even for a master of games that's hard as heck you know? I may 'Break games' but that doesn't mean I don't take damage. My fingers hurts so much~

"Cassey....Teo.....Pherah.....everyone I failed you...."- But seriously this game is sick. Not only are these Heroes all really cool guys I wouldn't mine being friends with, but you have to kill them all and enslave the innocent capture targets by doing horrible things to them. It was hard to watch....

"MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I have finally beat you! You should've killed me when you had the chance!"- Oh and believe me, they had plenty of chances. But in this game, you act like one of the nicest guys in the world publicly but extremely sadistic privately. This a master deceiver....mainly because of my choices.

"Now hero....TIME TO DIE!"- And finally I can end this game with a swing of a swo-


That day, the news covered the case of a movie stunt that went so wrong, it blew up the residence of Leo Ferwel, a 15 year old boy at 6 ft with brown hair and brown eyes as his distinguishing features. No one really know what the cause for the accident on the movie set was, but the producer and all the people who worked on the stunts were put into prison for it.
Author's Note: First! I don't know if any of the names or games I mentioned exist, so don't bother looking them up (I'm too lazy to do that). So it shouldn't be copy write since these names are literally off the top of my head. Plucked them off a couple months ago.

Second! So? How do you like what's going on so far? And I would like to put your guesses on how it's going to end up. Give you a hint, what ever your thinking, it's probably not that. Also, point out any errors cause I might of made some....

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and more chapters will be out soon!

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