Chapter 6

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Nash's P.O.V~~

So this girl who sat next to me was so different.

She didn't go crazy when she saw me. I loved that.

She was so beautiful she had a strong Spanish accent, light light brown hair, hazel eyes, and was curvy. But I did notice she was shy. She was so beautiful and I couldn't get my mind her, even if I don't even know her.

When school was over, I was the first one on the bus and saved a seat next to me for Ana, I just wanted to get to know her more.

When I saw her she was the last one on the bus and there were no seats left,I kinda hoped that would happen. I realized she had her headphones in again.

She looked around and there was no seats left, she then saw me again and said " I'm so sorry but,can I sit next to you again."

"Definitely, I don't mind at all." I said as she sat next to me.

I was so nervous and had butterflies in my stomach that usually didn't happen to me.

So I ended up just staring at her and not saying a word.

She looked up and smiled and put her head down again.

We were the last ones on the bus and so I asked her where she lives.

"Oh, umm actually I'm getting off right now I live in that brown house, and you?"

"Whoa really I live in that white house right next to yours." I said excitingly.

Me and my only: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now