Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nashs POV<><>

Oh my goodness Ana lived right next to me! I can't believe it, I was so exited but tried my hardest not to show it.

She was the girl who I saw yesterday when I was playing with Sky.

"I guess I'll see you around a lot huh?"

"I guess you will" she said with a faint blush.

We got off the bus and went our separate ways. I was staring at her while she went in, but I think she noticed.

Ana's POV>><<

So I sat with Nash again and he was even more gorgeous.

I was sooo glad Nash lived next to me. I don't know exactly how I feel about him, if I feel like we should just be friends or if I liked him because there's a million other girls who are prettier than me, what would make me stand out?

I kept on thinking about him no matter what. I tried to keep my mind of him even though I didn't know him very well and just met him. For some reason I couldn't keep him out my mind it was so weird. I went outside and sat on the first stair, got my phone and headphones out , and started listening to music. I was texting Mya, who said she couldn't live without me and was going to move to LA next year with me. I was supporting her but I knew she couldn't and wouldn't.

In the middle of texting Mya someone pulled one of my headphones out.

Nash's POV<><>

I was putting the trash out and I noticed Ana sitting on her porch step. She was listening to her phone again. I went over, I'm surprised she didn't notice me. I went behind her and pulled her right headphone out. She looked right and didn't see me, she looked behind her and saw me and smiled, and said hey. "Hey what are doing?" I said." Nothing just listening to music, thinking." She said

"About what?" "Oh just.....stuff." She said charmingly. I sat next to her and scooted a little closer to her. "Oh that's cool."

"Yeah I guess." She said chuckling. " hey listen I'm sorry I keep on sitting next to you on the bus, but there were no..." Not a problem i said interrupting her. "I really don't mind at all." I said. "Oh well thanks :)" she said blushing. " Hey it's getting late I'm gonna go inside and take a shower , it was nice talking to you though."I said.



I went to my door until I remembered.

I went jogging to her and sat by her again. And again I pulled her earbud out. "Hey again," I said a little out of breath. "Hey what's up?" she said a little concerned. "Oh I just forgot to give you something," I said as I handed her a torn piece of paper.

Me and my only: Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now