Paris Part 2 (Or, Noah Goes Shopping)

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One  day until return.

What does Richelle like? Noah frantically ran around the streets and shops of Paris, searching for a gift. It was the last day of the Paris transfer, and Noah needed to find something for his girlfriend. 

He smiled to himself. 

Richelle was his girlfriend now, and that was an amazing thought. 

Distracted, Noah nearly got shoved into the street by a group of hurrying high schoolers. As it was, he stumbled against the window of a jewelry store. 

Huh. Jewelry. Maybe...

He opened the door, and slipped inside.


Noah was taken aback by how beautiful the entire store was. There were necklaces hanging on the walls, in glass cabinets, and displayed individually on pedestals. There were bracelets and earrings and rings, even watches. Everything sparkled. Gold, silver, and precious gems beckoned from every angle. 

Noah loved Paris.

"Can I help you, Monsieur?" The voice came from a middle-aged man, standing behind the main display cabinet and eyeing Noah warily. 

"I--uh, yes actually. I'm trying to find something for my girlfriend..."

The expression on the man's face went from skeptical to open and excited. "Ah, excellent! Young love, yes?" he smiled.

"Er," Noah stammered, but the man continued.

"This girl, would she like gold or silver? Necklace or bracelet? Perhaps a pair of earrings?" he asked, and stepped out from behind the counter rubbing his hands in anticipation.

This guy really likes jewelry. Thought Noah. " I suppose. I hope."

The guy frowned. "Hope? No! You must feel the piece speaking to you," he stared off into the middle distance for a moment before snapping his fingers. "Ah! Do you have a photograph of this girl? I may be able to recommend some things," and he smiled again. 

Noah nodded and pulled out his phone, before holding it out to the man with a picture of Richelle on it. The man nodded. "Gold, yes gold would do nicely. Yes," he then proceeded to mutter to himself in unintelligible French while walking to the back of the store. 

With nothing else to do, Noah pocketed his phone and browsed. 

He passed by an aisle holding pieces showcasing emerald, then another with only sapphire rings. At the end of an aisle of silver, he stopped dead.

" you like that one?" a voice from behind made Noah spin around. An old lady wearing thick glasses was stooped there, watching him with a knowing smile. How he had missed her there before was a mystery. 

"Silver can be difficult," the lady continued, seemingly unaware of how uncomfortable Noah was. "It can be bright and beautiful, mysterious like the moon, or dark like the depths of the sea. It is...hard to explain, yet still so magnificent. You like that one, no?" and she gestured to the silver necklace that had captured Noah's attention before.

"I do, yes," Noah said, somewhat confused as to why this strange person was talking to him. 

"Why?" the lady asked, and looked straight at Noah's face. Her eyes were cloudy, and with a start, Noah realized she was blind. 

"I'm sorry?" Noah asked.

"Why do you like that one?" the lady pressed.

Noah twisted his hands behind his back, thinking. "Um...I suppose it's because it reminds me of...someone."

The lady clapped her hands in excitement. "Your girlfriend? This piece reminds you of her?" 

Noah flushed. "Not--not exactly."

"Mmmm. I see," she cracked a grin. "Not literally, of course. Why do you not get this for your not-girlfriend, then?" 

Noah blushed a deeper shade of red. "I can't really afford it, along with whatever I'm getting for my, ah, actual girlfriend."

The lady nodded, and was silent for a moment. "I will make you a deal, then. My son, that jewelry fanatic you were just speaking with, he runs this store. He would not notice if his crazy old mother 'accidentally' gave away one necklace out of the hundreds here. In return, however, you must give this girl the necklace, and tell her how you feel about her."

Noah's eyes widened in shock. "What? No! I don't--not like that--we're just friends! I--how--?" he spluttered, and the lady laughed. 

"Of course, of course. You're just friends. Of course, my mistake. You still must give it to her, I insist," she hobbled to the case, pulled out a massive key ring, and somehow unlocked the case on the first key. "Here," gently, she picked up the beautiful necklace and placed it in Noah's stunned hand. 

"Oh, no, I couldn't possibly take this!" Noah exclaimed, and tried to give it back. "Please, it's too expensive!" 

The lady held up one finger, and stared at Noah with her unseeing eyes. "You will take this, and you will give it to whoever you think about when you see it. You will now go to the front, talk to my son, buy that piece for your girlfriend, and leave. Go," the look on her face left no room for argument, and Noah backed away quickly.

"Thank you so, so much," he murmured, looking down at the necklace. "Thank y--" but when he looked up again she had disappeared. 

Freaked out, Noah returned to the front of the store, where the man from before was waiting with handfuls of gold jewelry. 


Louis watched the boy exit the store, before calling down the rows of jewelry. "Mama! You did it again, didn't you!" 

His mother hobbled down the aisles, innocence plastered on her face. "Did what, ma douce?

Louis rolled his eyes. "Give away yet another one of my pieces for free!"

His mother feigned surprise. "Oh yes! That thing. I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Louis."

"Mother! Why did you do it this time?"

She smiled wryly. "He needed to figure out his feelings. That necklace will help him, I know it."

A/N: 955 words! Phew! Thanks for reading :D

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