The Ride

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A/N: Amanda does seem to have a hard time in my stories, doesn't she...

The standard procedure for handling an injured person quickly took effect. 

Step 1: Stabilize patient's condition.  

Step 2: Immediate care for patient's injuries in the ambulance. 

Step 3: Freaking book it to the hospital.

Step 4: Arrive at hospital, transfer patient to operating room.

Though there was an order, all Noah could comprehend was the frenetic movement of strangers hovering around Amanda. He was overwhelmed with the urge to push them all away, to throw his arms around her and wait for her to wake up. As the circumstances were, however, he exercised self-restraint and simply stood behind the doctors while still trying to be as protective as possible. 

It seemed like the never-ending ride. The ambulance siren became a repetitive dull throb in the background, and the bustle of the doctors slowly started seeming less...well, fast. Noah was gradually tuning out everything around him, focusing entirely on Amanda's pale face. She was surrounded by EMTs and medical instruments.  Her head was partially obscured by a mask that delivered extra oxygen - Noah had seen it plenty of times in movies but had no idea what it was actually called. 

When the ambulance finally arrived at the hospital Noah was roughly pressed against the wall of the cabin as the doctors wheeled Amanda's body out of the vehicle. 

Noah immediately shoved after them. 

He jogged in time with the gurney, pushed through the glass doors, and attempted to follow Amanda into the winding hallways of the hospital. 

"Woah there, buddy," a burly man in uniform stepped in front of him, impeding his view of Amanda and her escort. 

"I-need-to-" Noah punctuated each word with a shove. "You need to move!" 

The man didn't even flinch.

"Sorry, can't do that. Doctors and patients only beyond this point," he stated blandly. Noah stood his ground, and the guard's face softened. "She's in good hands," he said, quieter. 

Noah stared in vain over the guard's shoulder at Amanda's receding form. "She'll be alright," he whispered, more to himself than the man. 

"Sir, if you could come with me..." a nurse appeared at Noah's side and gently led him away from the hall. "Right through here..."

Noah sat compliantly in the room where he was led.

And then he waited. 

A/N: DISCLAIMER-I know nothing about how hospitals, ambulances, or doctors work, so do not take anything I write to be fact! (Thanks so much for reading ^-^)

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