Chapter 2

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I leisurely strolled into the hallway, unaware of the time but not particularly caring anyway.

"Kaori! What the hell do you think you're doing you're going to make us both late!" I was greeted by the usual, slightly annoyed face of my good friend, Jin Tomioka.

"Kaori! What the hell do you think you're doing you're going to make us both late!" I was greeted by the usual, slightly annoyed face of my good friend, Jin Tomioka

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"Language Jin," I warned, with a smug look on my face.

He let out a huff, and murmured "Hell isn't a bad word."

I began to walk in the direction of my science class, "Meh, to some people it is, and you don't want to give anyone a bad impression of yourself, so you should be careful."

"H-hey! Wait up!" Jin jogged to catch up to me.

Jin slowed when he reached me, "Y'know, it's not very considerate to just walk away when someone's talking to you, especially when they could be somewhere else at the current moment."

I shrugged, "If you wanted to be early you could have gone on without me, I can walk there myself."

Jin looked slightly hurt for a second, but then resumed his usual attitude, "So you're just going to show up late, geez at least when I'm there it isn't as bad for your grades."

"Dude....Ms. Lou doesn't care if you're late, all you have to do is learn the subject and be nice to her," I paused and quietly added underneath my breath, "Unlike most of the grade."

"Well...ah..." Jin was silent for a moment, and sighed, knowing he lost the argument.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before I spotted the science classroom.

"Oh look! We're almost there!"

"Are you going to actually pay attention for once."

"Hey! I pay attention!"

"Is that so Kaori," Jin smirked.

I playfully pushed him before we entered the classroom.

We were greeted by Ms. Lou's kind face as she stood by her whiteboard, a red marker in her hand.

She was young, probably in her early thirties, with brown hair that was bleached blonde at the tips put up in a neat bun. Unlike most of the other teachers, she wore clothes that were pretty much just casual wear which consisted of a navy long sleeved shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves and tan pants.

"Oh! Jin! Kaori! Hi! Can you two have a seat please?" Ah, the blissful sound of not getting in trouble, that's one of the reasons Ms. Lou was my favorite teacher. Along with being extremely kind and very up to date with modern trends, she was laid back and didn't mind if you were late or made a mistake as long as you passed your exams, sometimes she'd either not mind if you did your homework or not...or...if you were really lucky.....she wouldn't give homework at all. Unfortunately, some people decided that those traits made her an easy target for trickery and mischief. Some asshole pranks her almost every class. I almost felt embarrassed for her last time I had her and someone switched the projector feed for a different film, and all we could do was watch Heyeayea from He-Man on loop, desperately trying to stifle our giggles, while Ms. Lou frantically tried to put on the right video.

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