Just Practicing

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"Oh, my dear Celty!" Shinra started saying walking around and around the biology room.

Izaya, however, was still confused as to who the hell 'Celty' was. Shinra always randomly ranted about this 'Celty', yet Izaya had no idea who they were. Izaya decided to just play along with Shinra since he thought 'Celty' was just an imaginary person.

As Izaya was deep into his book Shinra sorta yelled," Hey Orihara-kun!" into his ear. This startled Izaya and caused him to drop his book.

"My book.." He whispered as he was sad that he probably lost his page. 

"What is it Shinra?" Izaya questioned a little annoyed.

"I was wondering if we could practice kissing for when the time comes with my dear Celty!" Shinra exclaimed.

"You want to practice what?!" Izaya shouted a little flustered. 

"Wow, are you going deaf Orihara-Kun? Maybe I should check you out?" Shinra said then put a hand on Izaya's forehead getting close to him.

Izaya started to get a bright red then pushed Shinra's hand away. "I heard what you said but really? You want me to be your first kiss? Your FRIEND?" Izaya said trying to convince Shinra to not practice kissing on him.

"Well, I mean it's not like it's going to mean anything since were only practicing," Shinra stated. 

Izaya was reluctant and did not want to follow up with this idea. Eventually, Izaya sighed and gave into Shinra.

Shinra then smiled and said,"Well then lets start!" a little too enthusiastically.

Shinra and Izaya were both standing, almost the same height although Izaya was shorter. They were both looking into each other's eyes. The silence before what came next was very very very... awkward.

Then Shinra leans down and presses his lips against Izaya's. The kiss was very sloppy since it was the first time both of the boys kissed.

The two then separated from the kiss.

"Wow.. you suck." Izaya states with a smirk.

"You can't do any better, Izaya." Shinra says dropping the honorific.

"Touche..." Izaya responds still smirking. 

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