Chapter One

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"It's Renesmee," A man's voice echoed throughout my head. I heard the cries of a baby, but I found myself still engulfed in darkness. "She's beautiful," another voice, this time belonging to a woman, whispered. But I saw nothing. I didn't understand what was going on. All I remember was being trapped inside a cramped and pitch black space, with another being. The other being in this womb was much larger in size. I not knowing what to do, started squirming, as if it would help. "AH!" the same woman's voice cried in pain. Her shrill shriek echoed throughout my ears. "Bella!" The man's voice cried out. Then, he seemed to pause. "Bella," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Theres another one," He finished. Suddenly, I felt something cold wrap around my body, and pull me up and out into a very cold environment. "Rosalie, go clean Renesmee up!" he called out to another person. The wails of the previous infant started to fade away as if she were being taken somewhere else. "An-another one," the woman named Bella said, her voice weak. "I think-I think it's Renesmee's twin sister," The man whispered, apparently shocked. Bella sucked in a breath, as if about to say something, but nothing came out. "Bella!" The man's voice gasped, as he set me on a hard surface. Suddenly, I sensed someone else walking in the room. "Esme! There was another one! Can you take care of her!" The man cried out, apparently in a panic. A soft and gentle voice responded," Edward, Ill go and clean her up." The same woman who had just responded to Edward must've wrapped me in a blanket, because a wave of comfort and warmth had washed over me. I felt myself being lifted up, and being carried somewhere. I heard the distant cries of Edward, as if he was frantically trying to save Bella from something, fade.

"Alright little one!" The same sweet woman's voice rang through my ears. I heard the running of water, and I curiously decided to try to open my eyes in this new environment. A striking light hit me, making me squeeze my eyes back shut. I wasn't used to so much light, or even light itself at all. In an another curious attempt, I slowly raised my eyelids, and let my vision adjust. It was truly amazing to me. A substance I recognized as water was running from a silver faucet, into a small little tub. A beautiful woman with caramel hair, pale skin, and golden eyes made her way to me from the tub, and unwrapped the blanket from my small fragile body. "Why hello there, little one. You must be Renesmee's twin sister. Welcome to our family," She cooed, with a gentle smile as she set me down into the warm water. I hadn't noticed that my pale little body was covered every inch in blood. The water slowly turned a sickening shade of dark red as she gently scrubbed the blood off me. "Im your grandma Esme," She continued, as she poured the water over my head. She then slowly lifted me out of the bath, and wrapped me in a towel. "Now lets go ask your aunt Rose for some extra clothes to borrow," She grinned as she walked down the hall, me in her arms.

After what seemed like a whole minute of gentle stair climbing and hallway walking, she paused in a doorframe. "Rosalie, dear. I need to dress this little one in some clothes," Esme sighed. Rosalie took a moment to study me, then scrunched up her face in a disgusted way. "Why is she so tiny? And they don't even look related," Rosalie muttered, while digging through a drawer for some extra clothes. The other little infant was sleeping soundly in a pink little crib. Esme walked over to the crib, and leaned me over so I could get a better look at the other infant. From one single look, I could tell she was much bigger than me. "This is your twin sister, Renesmee," Esme whispered, not wanting to wake her. Then Esme paused, and furrowed her eyebrow as if she was in deep thought. "What am I going to call you for the times being. Bella would most likely want to name you once her transformation is done." Then, her eyes widened and she grinned, apparently coming up with an idea. "I think I have the perfect name for you, my dear," She smiled. I could hear Aunt Rosalie snort from across the room. "Why don't we just be patient, and let Bella name her?" Esme glared at Rosalie, who just shrugged while digging through the drawer. "If Bella would even want to name her," She added, and Esme's glare hardened. "Rose, she is part of our family now, wether you like it or not!" Esme said, her voice firm. "I don't even get it. She doesn't look anything like Bella's family, nor Edward's..." Rosalie muttered, obviously confused in a way. "You know who she reminds me of? Caius Volturi. Just look at how pale she is! And even from her small amount of hair, It looks purely white! And the eyes," Rosalie shivered. "They are pure red, which I don't get. It makes her look like a ghost. I guess she can definitely qualify to be Caius' kid," Rosalie muttered, than chuckled at the last part of what she had said. Esme didn't look very amused. "Rose, I think it makes her look beautiful," Esme stated, shrugging with me in her arms. I didn't even know who Caius Volturi was. "You know what? Why don't we just give her to the Volturi? She could learn to be an excelling and incredible vampire. And don't you think that this precious little Renesmee is enough?" She sighed, smiling down at Renesmee. Esme froze, shocked by what Rose had just said. "Rose, I think that your heart is even colder than Caius' and that your mind is even crazier than Aro's, at this point!" Esme spat, walking out of the room after snatching the clothes from Rose. As we were heading down the hall, she looked down at me and smiled. "Don't you let mean aunt Rose bully you, I know she's just rude," Esme sighed, smiling. "No matter what anyone says, you are now part of our family, little Stella-Maris."

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