Music The Soul, Lyrics The Story

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 Elizaveta sensed your discomfort from Rodriech,and tried to change the subject."Rodriech, did you know (Y/N) is also a big fan of music?" Liz asks.Rodriech grins and looks to you,"Really?I am into classical music,more specifically the piano. How about you?" You hum,as you come up with an answer,"I love music of all kinds.Including classical." You say as you smile.Rodriech nods and looks to Elizaveta,"How are you,Elizaveta?" He asks. She smiles,"Very happy!Especially since you're here.But,like I said before,just call me Lizzy!" She said with a smile,"Oh!Hold on!" She says as she goes into the kitchen.She comes back with the cupcake that she made for Rodriech."H-here,for you..." She says as she holds out the cupcake to Rodriech.He gives a smile,with a hint of sadness and thanks her.You wonder why he looked so meloncholic.But,you can't just ask him.

Vlad is cautious of Rodriech shooting questions at you.Something was up.You could sense it.Why did they not want Rodriech to get his questions over with?"Hey,we should go to bed soon.It's pretty late..." Rodriech said.You and Liz agree and Rodriech sighs,"I know this is sudden,but do you mind if I stay here for the night?Ludwig said it would be best if I didn't go to his house today."

Elizaveta had a happy face.She loved every moment she could spend with him.Vlad on the other hand,was a bit annoyed."Well...I guess..." He said.Elizaveta gave him an anniyed look at the fact he was being a bit rude.Elizaveta started to scold Vlad,"Be nice to our guest!He deserves better hospitality..." She says.Vlad sighed,and signaled her to follow him,so he could explain why he wanted Rodriech to leave.She followed.

You were left with Rodriech,and he looked to you."(Y/N)...the one that the whole family is talking about..." He says in a monotone voice.You look to him,a bit confused as to why he is acting so strange.But then it hits you.Dis he just say the whole family?"What do you mean by the whole family?Not many people know me..." You say.Rodriech sighs and stands up,"I need to talk to you.It's important,but not here..." He says as he signals to the front door.

Oh,you get it.He wants a private talk.It probably has to do with Gilbert.Okay then."Fine.Really quick though." You say,wanting this to be over with.He nods and the two of you leave.

You walk down the street.The only light comes from the lampposts."(Y/N).I understand you are the one who Gilbert has an interest with,right?" He says bluntly.You look at him with a sour face,"Excuse me.Is this any of your business?" You ask.He snarls and responds,"As annoying as Gilbert is,he is still somewhat family to me.There are no secrets in our family..." He said.You were suprised.Your parents were never there,so they never cared for what you did.But,Gilbert's family cares so much.

"Well...yes.Gilbert and I...we...have dealt with each other." You say."And you love him..." You stop walking.Did he really think he knew?Rodriech looked back at you and spoke,"I'm sorry...I can't let you two be together,even if your memories do come back..." He said.You are full of rage!Who was this guy to just waltz in and just know everything about you,then go and judge you?

"Why?Even understand how this feels?I love Gilbert,but I can't even be with him!NO YOU DON'T KNOW!" You yell.Tears fall down your face. Rodriech clenched his fist,but dsepite his anger,only raised his voice a little bit."I do know!It is you who doesn't understand!I love Elizaveta!But can I be with her?NO!In this family,love never works out!No,not only in the family.In the life we live,nothing ever works out!We can't have normal human lives!"

You look at the broken man ,n front of you.What did he mean?A normal human life.He is human,right?He is alive and breathing,how can he not live a normal life?Even your life,which is sad and broken,is normal enough for you.

"What do you mean,a normal human life.You are a human.Just live on..." You say.He looks to you and walks closer."No,they didn't tell you,huh? Well then,I must.We are not normal people.We are country personifications.'We' includes myself, Elizaveta,Vlad,Ludwig,and Gilbert.But these are only some of the many countries.You go to school with most others.

You back away.Was he crazy?This is too impossible,"G-gilbert...he's...a country?" You ask shakily.Rodriech sighs,"Well,he is one of the strange ones.He was a country,but he as a nation fell.But,was reborn.His memories lived in him,from his past life.From that point on,he lived like a human.But as a payment for cheating death,he lives with a curse.It is said that he can never find love...but he found you." He says.

You love Gilbert.It was true.But why does this curse say he can't find love?You do love him."Wait. I really do love Gilbert.Why is the curse not lifted?"
You ask.Rodriech sighs and looks to you,"You may love Gilbert,but does he show his affection for you? All Ludwig told me was that he said he loves you but how do you really know if he loves you if he never speaks to you?" You sigh.He is right.What's the point of decorating rooms,if they are to be unseen in darkness?

You were determined to prove your faith in your love for Gilbert.You stood tall and took a breath."I love him,and I-" You were cut off."I know,but you need to prove it..." Rodriech says to you.You think if and come up with an idea "Follow me..." You say.

You lead Rodriech back to to your house.You let him in and lead him to the piano room,while ignoring his questions.You sit him and yourself down at the seat in front of the piano.He starts to speak,but is cut off by you putting a finger to his lips,"Listen..." You say.

You place your hands on the keys and play a little .You sang beautifully,but made an altarnate chorus."I will die,every day,waiting for him.Darling don't be afraid I will love him for a thousand years...I'll love him for a thousand more..." You sang the whole song beautifully and Rodriech stared at you,suprised."I...I knew you loved Gilbert,but when you say it though song,it has much more meaning." You smile at him as you respond,"It's because you connect with the lyrics. The song not only tells about Gilbert and I,but you and Elizaveta..." Rodriech realized what you did and smiled."Well,I have no problem letting a musician into the family..." He says,indicating that he allows you to be with Gilbert.You smile and hug him unexpectedly,"Thank you..." You say softly." He smiles and slowly hugs back...

Yay!Another approval.Ok,so if any of you have seen K-drama,this story will be a lot like that.For those who don't know,it goes like this.Everything will be good then BAM drama.But,no worries,it all turns out in the end.The drama is for suspense.Anywho thank you for reading,goodbye and mahalkita!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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