Chapter 7 - The First Encounter - Part 2

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I dedicate this chapter to all the budding fellow writers in Wattpad.

Thank you dear readers for your patience and support.

Please kindly do notify me of any possible errors.


Part 2 :

"Tik!... Tik!... Tik!...." counted a clock in seconds and continued, Arundati feared she's running out of time.

It was extremely cold everywhere except where Arundati kept her hand sliding up the warm rails of the stairs, feeling every inch of the polished wood. She was climbing a staircase leading to a distant faint light.

She turned back to see where she came from, instead saw her glowing golden silksaree drape flowing down infinitely on the stairs, following her all the way as she climbed.

She heard a woman's whisper from behind.

Arundati could recognize the increasing whisper from behind.

It was the same voice that whispered ".......Seba...." earlier that night.

Arundati heard a door's lock clicked open, may be from a door nearby and followed by hard footsteps, that got her scared and decided to move forward but couldn't run up to the top because of saree drape pulling her back.

She put her everything to climb, only to be dropped dead lying on her sides in front of the distant faint light.

Arundati was paralyzed and the creaked noise from the door wasn't enough to let her eyes open to fully see beyond the faint light.

The faint light from the dying wood fire wasn't enough to lit the entire room except the fireplace itself.

Her only guard was a shroud that kept her warm.

Her skin suddenly felt something slithering away from her, it's none other than her guardian shroud.

Arundati got chills increasing as her shroud slithered away.

Arundati felt sick, sensing a distant storm brewing towards her when she heard the voice whispering these words

"..... Sebastian.... No..... Please.... Not her....".

Two seconds later!

Like a sudden thunder erupted a blow from behind her!

A monster crawled over her shoulder and firmly squeezed her soft tender breasts to nothing like a sudden stabbing.

A jolt of thousand lightnings ran down her spine, her heavy unopenable eyes burst out opening wide giving her a heart attack, unable to breathe, she gasped for air to make a scream right out of her lungs not before she peed in fear!

Nothing came to her reflex in defense!

Her life jumped along with her body out of the bed by pushing away the hand of the monster.

All this happened in a split second!

Arundati forced all the air out of her lungs and screamed "Aaaaarrrrrrrghhhhhh" in the darkness.

Immediately the darkness was destroyed by her screaming along with a sudden click of a sound followed by light everywhere, that restored her senses.

Shocked Arundati couldn't believe the sight in front of her.

She was shocked to see the same woman standing by the door.

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