Pick a Side

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“So this is where you lived?” I watch him with narrowed eyes as he leans back in the chair looking bored and relaxed. Somewhere in my brain where the predator has already taken root and is corrupting my already normally paranoid mind I assess him with the intent of knowing how to defend my family if, or when, he attacks. I’ve always been a protective person and you would think that becoming a nightwalker would have made it less about them and more about me but it’s not. All I can think about is keeping my family safe and protecting what’s mine.

“I still live here!” I’ve seated myself across from him and in front of the door leading to where ever one is sleeping, or at least pretending to sleep. I can hear several heartbeats that are clearly still awake but as long as they’re still and quiet I don’t care if they’re awake.

Bishop gives me a stern look, “You’re a nightwalker now you have to live in a clan and be trained. I’ve decided to be your sponsor and am willing to oversee your training and allow you to join my clan though I am not your sire. Normally you would go with your sire but seeing as the twins have left town and we can’t be sure which one is your sire you’ll belong to me.”

My mouth falls open and I gape at him like a fish. “Hell no. There’s no way I’m leaving my family behind! I may be a stupid nightwalker now but I’m not abandoning those I’ve sworn to protect!”

“Interesting,” Bishop tilts his head and examines me as if I’m some rare occurrence. “Most newborns don’t have your control, abilities, power, or protective urges. You managed to surprise and bite me, walk through the sun, and not bend to my will all right after waking. What do you remember from your turning? Which of my siblings turned you, Marjorie or Kristopher?”

My mind whirls as the images flood back to me but I know I can’t tell him the truth. Even I remember the tales of the last girl the twins jointly turned. She went insane because of the power of having two sires. Bishop had her put to death after she went on a killing spree that left thirty two humans dead. I know I’m a jointly turned nightwalker but I’m not going to let him lock me up to study or kill me because of what I may become. If it comes down to it I’ll kill myself before I become a monster like the last girl.  

“I don’t remember,” I lie smoothly my eyes meeting his. The trick to lying is controlling your breathing and making eye contact. Never look away when you lie. Lying will get you killed in the world I live in but it will also save your life. If you can’t lie you die.

His eyes narrow and for a moment we stare into each other’s eyes before he blinks slowly, “Very well but you still have to be trained properly and only a nightwalker over a hundred. You’re welcome to join another clan but you have to have a mentor.”

I open my mouth to complain but the door behind Bishop bangs open and Tad and Jarred come in. My instincts take over when I see Bishop move toward them and next thing I know he’s on the ground with me sitting on his chest my hand clutching his throat. “Don’t threaten what’s mine,” my voice is barely above a snarl and I’m seeing red.

“Holy shit!” Jarred’s exclamation snaps me out of whatever nightwalker moment I was having as I stand and go over to the two guys.

“Sup boys you miss me?” I wink at them and flash a smile but wince when I see them cringe at me fangs.

“Your instincts are good but if you ever attack me again I will be forced to punish you.” I don’t even turn as Bishop speaks but every muscle in my body tenses. “I will leave you with you ‘family’ for now but be prepared to declare a clan by the end of the week.” I watch as he walks around us and out the door, shutting it behind himself with a bang. My instincts let me know when he’s completely gone and I can relax again. Nightwalkers are the kind of creature you never turn your back on.

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