The Twins Return

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So before you read this chapter I’d like to inform you guys why I haven’t been writing on Ally Cat at all in well forever. It’s not that I don’t love the story or the characters it’s that I started this story before it was even a fleshed out concept in my mind and just decide to go with it. Normally I have a sketched out thought of where the plot is going so I can follow along adding and subtracting to the plot where I need to but instead I just started winging parts and now I’m in a rut. Since I’ve inished my other story I’m going to focus on getting this one under control. It’s not going to be as long as my others but I do promise to devote my full attention to it until it’s finished. No the updates will probably not be regular but they will be coming… eventually. Thanks so much for putting up with all my crap and reading this story it means a lot to me and it’s more for you guys then for me that I’m leaving this story posted. So without further ado enjoy the chapter!


The air conditioning is going to freeze me to death is the first thing I think as I walk into the new place. Tad and Jarred did a good job and I can see Freya’s hand in almost every room. Grinning I watch as the kids file in and start making this place feel more like a home. I had upstairs to the factory tower room where I insisted they put Plexiglas windows to enclose it and add a giant, fluffy, round day bed. No matter how many damn steps I have to climb that’s where I want to curl up every night. My room is directly below it and is the only room with access up there. Something about seeing the city spread out before me gives me a soothing feelings. Perhaps it’s knowing that not only do I know everything about my city, I can now see everything in my city. It is my city now. No matter what Bishop says about being the ruling nightwalker. In this city I rule and he simply needs to get around to figuring that out.

I let myself be weak once and nobody was there to save me. Now I’m on top of the world and in my city nobody harms and innocent. Not anymore. Things need to change in this city and I’m the only one set up to do it. Bishop doesn’t know the first thing about the humans that walk around during the day. No, the only thing he cares about are lining the right pockets and keeping the nightwalkers in line. He may rule the night but not forever. We may have something but that’s not going to stop me for chasing him and any other nightwalker that comes to this city out. If they’re not willing to play by my rules then they’re going to have to quit playing the game.

“Ally Cat?”

Turning around I see Freya walking in carrying a large brown box. “Yeah? What’s in the box?”

She sets the box down on the table in front of me and some of the other kids crowd around to get a look at it. “No fucking clue but this guy in a fancy suit dropped it off. He looked like one of the guys who works for the nightwalkers. You know the guys that do their daytime stuff since most of them can’t stand sunlight. Maybe it’s from Bishop! That hot, hunky piece of meat could have sent you a nice little ‘I miss you’ gift! If it’s something naughty I’m so going to barf though.”

I roll my eyes at her antics and stare curiously at the box. Something about it is off. My body tingles when I look at it and all the hairs on my body stand up in tension. This isn’t from Bishop I can just tell. Whoever sent this isn’t good they’re evil. This box is evil. What it contains isn’t going to be pretty I can just tell. The smell is… wrong. “Kids why don’t you leave me alone to open my gift, okay?”

The kids all nod and disappointedly scamper off to go somewhere else mostly likely to wait right outside the door so they can listen in. “What’s wrong?” Freya touches my arm gently but I jerk away still tense.

“Go with the kids Freya you don’t want to see this.” My words come out hollow and fierce.

She slaps my arm, “Fuck no! If you’re going to open it I’m standing right here!”

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