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Mackenzie's POV

Me and Hayley walked down the hallway in the Lockwood mansion to see Tyler with another guy that had spiky hair.
"Look man this guy is dangerous, he's highly trained he's-" the boy cut Tyler off.
"I can handle myself. Besides Klaus asked me personally." He said and walked over to the other part of the room.
A slim blonde girl walked in front of us but was unaware we were behind her.
"This is a bad idea!" Tyler said and chased after the other boy.
Blondie turned around.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Who the hell are you?" Hayley asked.
"Caroline." She said.
She didn't look to happy.
"Oh, your Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Mackenzie and this is my older sister Hayley." I told her.
"Well Mackenzie that's pretty crazy because I haven't heard a thing about you two." Caroline said.
"We've been staying here a few days." Hayley told her, looking over her shoulder.
"Excuse me?" She said.
Now she's annoyed.
"We needed a place to crash, Ty's a buddy and was kind enough to offer." I explained.
"I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't hear about you so how about we cut he crap." She snapped.
"Yeah. I don't do teen drama. Take it up with Ty. Excuse us." Hayley said and walked away, pulling me with her, leaving a confused and annoyed Caroline behind.
"Dean you don't need to do this!" Hayley said.
"Stay out of this Hayley, I'm going." Dean, one of Klaus' Hybrids, said.
"Juts listen to her man! It's suicide!" Tyler said, raising his voice a little.
Caroline walked in the room.
"Klaus told you to take Connor by yourself and you can't even fight back?! Do you have to use non-lethal force? Why the hell is that?!"
"Klaus gave me a direct order." Dean said.
"It's to dangerous, that maniac already killed Nate." I told him.
"Your not a hybrid, you don't know what it's like. Klaus asks for something, you do it." Dean defended.
Hayley and I turned to look at Tyler.
"Look...I'm a hybrid. I used to do everything Klaus said. But I don't anymore. You don't have to either." Tyler said to him.
"You think you can stand up to Klaus? Here, prove it." Dean said while dialling Klaus number and handing the phone to Tyler.
"Tyler don't." Caroline finally spoke.
Tyler turned to glance at her but turned away and pressed call.
"Hello?" Klaus said.
"Hey, Klaus." Tyler said when he heard Klaus' voice.
"Tyler, i hope  your not causing problems." Klaus said.
"I can do whatever I want. I'm not sired to you anymore." Tyler that of him though the phone.
"Fair enough. Though I do happen to know your little secret  about your time in Appalachia. What was your friends names? Hayley and Mackenzie, was it? You'd probably prefer I kept that to myself. I'm sorry mate. Are you going to answer or should I just assume you're back to did you phrase it? Oh, yes. My little bitch." Klaus said.
Tyler saw the look in Caroline's eyes and hung up.
"Do whatever the hell you want." Tyler said and walked away.
"That's it?" Hayley asked. "You just back down?!"
Hayley went after Tyler, leaving me with Caroline and Dean.


"I am so sorry." Tyler said as Hayley sobbed into his shoulder.
"I can't believe Dean's gone. We could of saved him." Hayley cried.
We all turned are heads as we heard footsteps. It was Caroline.
"I apologise, am I intruding?" She snapped.
"Caroline, it's not like that." Tyler said.
"I keep waiting for you to make up some dumb story so at least I can call you a liar. Is that now?" Caroline said.
"We'll let you two talk." I said and pulled Hayley away with me.
"Thank you. How big of you!" Caroline shouted at us.
Hayley glared at her before catching up with me.

3rd person POV

"You have to understand-" Tyler started.
"No, you don't tell me what I have to do. I went through hell when I thought yo died. I cried like an idiot, and this whole time, you've been keeping a secret from me about falling for some werewolf in the Appalachians!" Caroline yelled
"I never fell for her." Tyler told her.
"Oh, please." Caroline said.
"Caroline, she saved my life! I almost died trying to brake the sire bond. Hayley and Mackenzie were there for me. They helped me get through it. But nothing else happened!" Tyler defended.
"Then why would Klaus think that?" Caroline asked.
"Because I'd rather him think that then know the truth." Tyler said. "There are other hybrids that need to be set free. Hayley, Mackenzie and I can help them. But if Klaus found out about what we're trying to do, he'd kill us all." Tyler said.
A tear escaped Caroline's eye but
She nodded.
Word count:823

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