Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Jotaro Kujo x Reader

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:
Jotaro Kujo x Reader
~Cuts and Confessions~
(It's short...I know ಠ_ಠ)

You growled in frustration as you looked at your reflection, the deep cuts and bloody nose quite prominent. You picked a strand of (h/c) hair away from a cut on your cheek.  You wished that stupid stand user wasn't so strong. Granted, there was a reason you had joined the Stardust Crew; your stand was one to almost rival Star Platinum, Jotaro Kujo's own stand. You blushed slightly at the thought of him. You sighed, once again acknowledging your childish crush on Jotaro.  Being the only girl on the team that could use a stand was tough, a few of the enemies would flirt with you, or go easy on you, unknowing of your true potential. You shook your head, clearing your mind before picking up the cloth that lay on the counter. You had no idea if you wanted to do this. 'Can I just leave it?' You heard a knock at the bathroom door, causing you to jump slightly. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" Polnareff sounded pretty anxious. "Y-yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about it!" You heard footsteps grow farther from the bathroom as you picked up the vile of alcohol. You dabbed it onto the cloth, looking at your reflection worriedly. You hoped Joseph wasn't lying about this. He was the only one you asked, as he wouldn't press for further detail. You didn't want anyone else on the crew to know you got cut up this bad. You did beat the guy, but at the price of many cuts. 'Stupid knife stand.' You had long forgotten the name of the man's true stand, all you remembered was the huge knives that had flown at you. You went for the biggest cut, a deep gash on your forehead you managed to hide from the rest of the Stardust Crew with your wide-brimmed hat. The second the cloth touched the cut, you screamed and jumped back, knocking over a few items. Kakyoin burst through the door, eyes wide and alert. "(y/n)! Why the hell did you scream?!" You sat on the floor, hands over the cut that began to bleed down your face, mixing with the tears that ran down from your (e/c) eyes, stinging your numerous other cuts. Kakyoin's voice was weary as he looked at you on the floor. "Jojo! Get your ass in here!" You heard larger footsteps enter the room, assuming it was Jojo. "Yare yare da-(y/n)? What the hell did you do now?" You looked up at him, blood still running down your face and a bloodstained handprint on the bathroom floor. His turquoise eyes widened, as did Kakyoin's when they saw the true state you were in. You sniffled a few times, then trying to stand up. "I'm fine, alright?" Jotaro shook his head, taking your arm and helping you up the last few inches or so. He gently picked you up and sat you on the counter next to the sink, picking up the cloth that was just hanging over the side. He rinsed it with warm water before attempting to clean the numerous cuts on your face. As he tried to clean your forehead, you flinched, causing him to mutter a "yare yare" under his breath as he moved to clean the rest on your face. Kakyoin was nowhere to be found as Jotaro continued cleaning your face, nothing left but the gash on your forehead. "Relax, (y/n). You know I'd never hurt you." You nodded meekly as your hand gripped the edge of the counter. You hissed in pain as you felt the cloth run over the sensitive area. You saw Jotaro's eyes widen as you assumed he realized how big the cut truly was. His hand moved away a strand of (h/c) hair that was in his way as he reached for the white roll of bandage. He set the roll down, then picked up another cloth, dabbing a little alcohol onto it. Your (e/c) eyes widened before Jotaro gave you a small, reassuring smile. You blushed slightly, as the grip you held on the counter tightened even more if that was possible. You felt the familiar sting as you began to cry once again, Jotaro taking one of your hands and squeezing it. He finished in a few moments, beginning to wrap the bandages around your head. The pressure caused you to inhale sharply, as he slowed down a bit, wrapping more carefully. Once he finished, he cut the piece off the rest of the roll, taping the end with some spare medical tape lying in the cupboard. You hopped down off the counter, and washed your bloodstained hands, grabbing an old rag to clean up the drops and smudges of blood on the tile floor. "Here. Let me." The rag was taken from you as Jotaro wiped up the mess, you standing there. "Why are you doing this? Are you possessed?" Jotaro smirked and stood up, towering over you. "Yare yare daze, (y/n) don't you understand?" You shook your head, your eyebrow arching in curiosity. "Look, I'm not good at this kind of shit, but I just want you to know that..." You stepped closer as his head tilted downwards, lips mere inches away. He gently grabbed your shoulders. "I like you. A lot." Your eyes widened and before you could respond, a pair of lips pressed against your own. Blushing deeply, you froze, no clue on how to react. Jotaro broke away, taking your lack of movement as a sign of rejection. He began to walk out of the bathroom before you grabbed his arm. "Wait." He turned, his turquoise eyes burning into your own. "I-I like you too. I have for a while." You looked down, kicking the floor. A hand landed on your shoulder, causing you to look up. A pair of lips landed on your forehead, the feeling bringing butterflies to your stomach. You smiled up at him, causing him to blush slightly. He hid it with his hat, pulling it over his face slightly and muttering a "yare yare daze" under his breath. You giggled, beginning to walk out of the bathroom. You were met with a smirking Kakyoin, a giddy Polnareff, and a knowing smile from Joseph. You blushed deeply and began to walk away. "Oh, shove it up your ass."

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