chapter 6

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" like I said it's not that big of a deal. It happens to the best of us I'm pretty sure I've knocked over these bookcases and least a hundred times." I told Loki but he never took his eyes away from the books he was picking up from the floor.

"Lady of fire." Thor's voice boomed throughout the rooms.

"Second door to the left!" I called out and could see Thor stand on line that enters my room.

"It is not gentlemanly to enter a woman's quarters unless they get their permission."

"You have my permission."  I said and he entered the room. Sometimes the way he spoke caught me off guard. Loki did not even speak like this well at least not as much as his brother.

In fact even the way that they looked was entirely different. The way that they spoke, the words they said, how they addressed people. But then again. They have went through different things. I'm surprised no one noticed how when Loki came back through the portal he looked so broken. But then when you look and see him after the Hulk beat him up he didn't look as bad. Clearly there were things that were going on behind the scene that most of us or pretty much any of us couldn't see besides Loki. But then again no one looked.

I felt bad for him. but I also didn't know why he was here. I know that he was supposed to help with Hydra and the frost Giants. But it still didn't really make any sense. what was he getting out of this? I mean he could be shortening his time locked in a cell or whatever punishment he was dealing with. He wasn't putting up much of a fight. in fact he seemed the most call out of all of us. but then again he had nothing to lose. I guess through his eyes he had already lost his family, his mind, and his sense of right and wrong pretty much everything that he hold dear but I still see a little bit of Hope. the way that he looks at the books on the shelves. The way that he looks at his brother. Even if he doesn't know it he would take a bullet for him. Just like how I would take a bullet for Tony , even if he was a ass hole

"Ah, I was wondering where you had went off to brother," Thor smiled at Loki and placed a hand on his shoulder. Thor looked around the room. "There are no cameras in here... Or any on this floor." Thor looked at me confused.

" there's one camera by the elevator but I don't usually use it very much. I don't like to be watched all the time or have on my movements under the spotlight of a camera." I shrugged my shoulders but Thor still looked at me confused. "What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing, just most don't trust Loki enough to enter an area without some type of security. You are braver then most, lady of fire."

"Nah, I'm just a stupid midgard." I shrugged some more and made my way to the bed room to grab my case full of clothes. "Did you pack yours and Loki's stuff?" I asked.

"Yes we are ready." Thor said but I could tell he was talking to his brother about something.

"Good, I call sitting next to Loki." I said to Thor and also into my watch to Tony's ear piece. "Get the ship ready brother of mine" I said and could hear him mumbling something back.

Loki POV

"Nah, I'm just a stupid midgard." Elizabeth shrugged and walked out of the library. I have only make up for so very long but , she is anything but stupid. I don't know why she showed me the library or her room or even bother to talk to me. it's not like I was a hero like the rest of the Avengers. But the more I thought about her the more I wanted to get to know her. I like talking to her about books and about Asgard. Teenage Mutant like the rest of the people around here not as a freak or a frost giant or that I had to look up with the work like I always felt I had. but there is one thing I knew for sure about her,  was definitely not a stupid midgardian.

"Brother, did you do something?" Thor asked me quietly and I was slightly offended but then again not. If I was in his position I would think I did something as well.

"No, I did not use magic on her. Nor have I tricked her." I shoot back.

Thor looked at me strangely. "Well she definitely likes you. What did you two even talk about?" Thor asked. She did not like me.

"Did you pack yours and Loki's stuff?" Elizabeth asked Thor but my head snapped up to look at her anyways. She couldn't possibly like me. I'm the villain. The bad guy. I attacked new York. Stood on this very roof.

"Yes we are ready." Thor said.

"She doesn't like me. We were simply talking about books." I mumbled to Thor.

"Good, I call sitting next to Loki." Her voice called out and Thor wiggled his eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

"I'm not like you brother, I'm not going to fall for a midgardian." I said and glanced at said woman from the corner of my eye. She was shutting her midgard device in the corner down. She also looked to. Talking into the watch around her wrist.

"You say this now brother. But the way you look at her." Thor nodded in Elizabeth's direction, "it won't be long." He gave me a small smile and patted my shoulder. We made our way out of the library and I shut the door.

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