The Park

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Once there was a girl named Jayla.

She had a mom but no dad. Her dad was in the marines for a few years they didn't know when he was coming back home.

So one day Jayla asked: when is daddy coming home she asked?

Well, her mom said, I'm  not sure honey all i know is that he will be home soon.

Do you promise she asked.

I can't make any promises i'm sorry honey.

Do you want to go to the park mom asked?

Well ok she said.

She went to the playground and found a really pretty good butterfly.

She panicked she didn't't know what to do.

She yelled momma come here. Hold on honey mom said I'm busy with my butterfly collection.

Jayla thought about it she wasn't sure if she wanted to show her mom.

The next day the butterfly granted her a wish and that wish was...... TO BE CONTINUED!😂 

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