Chapter 1

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1st werewolf book! Hope y'all like it!! Please don't hate it..But, thanks for reading! ^_^

Picture on the side is of Kayleigh. Yes I know it is also ike me.. But only reason why is because Kayleigh is to have light blue-gray eyes and light blonde hair and...well..a baby face...who has those? Not any celebrity I was looking at. And I needed her to look in the age of 15 - 16, which I'm 16. So that leaves Me...I'm not bragging about myself or anything in any way, I'm just trying to give yall the best idea of how everyone looks.


"Kayleigh! Come on! We're gonna be late for school!!!".

I sighed,"Ok! Ok! Calm down Olivia I'm coming in just a sec!". Gosh, why won't she just calm down.

I looked back up in the mirror and examined myself. I had light blond hair that went to about my upper back area and it was straight today. I looked back up to my face. I had light blue eyes. I had pretty big eyes too. That wasn't the part of me that I was insecure about though. I looked farther down my body examining to find a big boned body. I wasn't obese, but I wasn't skinny either. I was kind of just average. But, all my life other kids made fun of me, so I didn't know anything else.

I took a deep sigh when I heard my sister call for me again,"Kayleigh! If you are not down here in 2 minutes I am leaving your butt here today!!!".

Ugh, will she just calm down,"Ok, Olivia. I'm coming..". I walked over to my bed and grabbed my bag off of my bed. I threw it over my should and began to walk downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I came across a dark brown curly haired, deep blue eyed girl. It was Olivia, my older sister. Olivia was one of the prettiest girls in the school, and she was a senior. I, on the other hand, was in 10th grade. At 15 years old. She was 17, about to turn 18 this summer. I looked at her and she was wearing a nice blue t-shirt and some flared out jeans. She had her black toms on as well. I looked down at me and saw a black hoodie with some jeans and some sneakers. Yea, I told you I was insecure.

"It's about time you made it down here, I thought I was gonna have to shift and drag you down here myself.", she rolled her eyes then walked over to the kitchen to get her lunchbag.

I laughed,"Ha! Yea right! I could take you down in human form in seconds.". She glared at me.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention one thing. We're werewolves.

"Yea, yea. Whatever. Just don't forget to come straight to the car parking lot after school today. We are having a pack meeting after school and everyone of us is needed.", she said before leaving the house with the door wide open behind her. Guess that means I'm leaving now as well. I sighed then grabbed my lunch and headed to the door.

I reached the car when I noticed the front seat was already taken.

"Come on Jason let me ride in the front today...", I said with a sigh.

My older brother Jason was in the front seat of the car. Unfortunately, he had a wreck and his car was in the shop for 2 weeks. Well, that wreck happened the other day. So, Olivia has to drive us to school, and drop him off at his job. Jason was a mecahanic at the local mecahnics shop. He just finished college, had multiple opportunities to move out, but still lived with us. Sigh.

He rolled down the window so I could look him in the eyes. He had blue eyes, like Olivia, and light brown hair.

"Why would I do that Kayleigh? I'm already up here.", he asked with a smirk.

I sighed once again,"Jason, if I pull up to school getting out of the back of the car I'm gonna be a loser. Pretty please!!", I put on my puppy face, well-knowing he couldn't turn it down.

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