Chapter 19

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Hey guys!!:D So, in between packing and writing...I chose writing!! And I decided that I would put up a pic of someone in this Chapter. Jade.. Hope y'all like the chapter! More sometime next week maybe. I have allstars to go to in Louisiana so I'll be gone til about monday.There are people's pics added to other chapters. Read at the bottom to see where who will be where.


Kayleigh's Point of View:

I walked into Olivia's room and looked around. She was laying in her bed. The lights were off and the room was pitch black. She was under the covers with her face facing the wall so she must be asleep. Jeremiah wasn't here so he must be on Rogue duty tonight. I walked over to Olivia's bedside with tear stains covering my cheeks and slowly and gently tapped her on the shoulder. She moved slightly before sighing and placing both of her hands over her eyes and rubbing them saying,"What time is it..?".

Confused, I looked over at the clock that was on the wall above her bookshelf and read it,"It's 12:43.".

She groaned,"Ok, what period of the day?".

I raised one eyebrow. What is this 20 questions? "It's in the a.m.".

She growled at me then sat up,"Ok, why in the world are you coming to wake me up at this time of night? I have stuff to do ya know.".

I sighed,"But, I needed to talk to you.".

She groaned at me again,"Couldn't you talk to mom?".

I sighed,"Look, Lucas is probably cheating on me alright?! And I really don't feel like arguing with you over this stupid ordeal because frankly I have way too much on my freaking plate already! I understand you and Jeremiah are perfectly happy and get along perfectly but me and Lucas don't and what with a she-wolf running around with him I already want to shift and bite someone's head off, so do you want to join that little freaking group that is to be beheaded by my freaking canines?!?!".

I never noticed until after I was done yelling that I had ripped a hole in Olivia's comforter with my hand and my canines were extended. Her eyes were as big as golf balls and were about to roll out of her eye sockets.

She got up on her knees on her bed as she made her way over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a tight hug. I sighed then gave in and returned the hug. She stroked the back of my head like a soothing mother would do and I buried my face into her shoulder. I let out the remaining tears and dampened her shirt completely on the shoulder.

She pulled away from me and said,"Ya wanna sleep with me in here tonight? I would love to talk about this with you and even go and rip her head off. But, it is kind of late.".

I nodded. She made her way back over to her spot on the bed and pulled the comforter back and patted the spot on the mattress next to her. I climbed into bed and got underneath the comforter, snuggling my face into it.

I laid my head down beside Olivia's on her pillow and shut my eyes, letting my mind flutter and wander as it pleases.

I open my eyes almost instantly and found myself in a dark alley. I stood up from the ground, using my hands to aid in standing. I felt the cold concrete underneath my fingertips and it sent a slight chill throughout my arms. Goosebumps. I shook them away and looked around. There were two buildings parallel to each other. They were long buildings that seemed to go on forever, creating a long alley. One that you would really most likely see in a movie. How did I get here? I was just sleeping with Olivia. Right?

I avoided asking myself anymore questions and began walking down the alley. Maybe there was an end to it where I would be exposed to city lights and a highway? I don't know.

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