Day Ten and Eleven

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The car ride is awkward with Seungkwan looking at me half of the car ride. I bite the inner part of my bottom lip, as the daggers can slowly be felt from Seungkwan's eyes. I quietly glare back through the sunglasses. He looks away immediately and clears his throat as the radio is played, "Ongoing suspect is on the loose. His relative have hid him in their home, and some of the investigators believe that she is under custody. Now the police are on the run again to find him."

Seungkwan taps the driver's shoulder, signaling him to turn off the radio. I don't say anything, as I know my grandma has already turned herself in, not wanting me to get caught. Seungkwan says out of the blue, "I'm here to help. You can stay at my beach house, so that you don't get caught. I'll try to find Seokmin, he seems to be busy once again. I'll be staying at a nearby hotel, my driver will assist you."

He then tosses me a cell phone, which I reluctantly catch. He drops me off the beach house with his key, and some necessities and drives off. I trudge my way up the stairs of the house, entering inside. The small house seems to be pretty decent to live in, having a small gray sofa and some cushions. The kitchen is small, having a dark gray vibe from it. The bedroom that Seungkwan stays in is spacious, having a light blue tone decorating the rooms. I lay on the small bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I only have 4 more days.

Why am I living it worse than I was already living?

Was I not thankful for the wonderful life I had?

I grieve for my parents, missing my mother's cinnamon-honey perfume, and my father's deep chuckles that brings our whole family to smile. I turn over as I realize I am getting sick of living like this, but I know I wouldn't be able to survive.

I take out the rent phone Seungkwan lent me, and see only two contacts: Seungkwan and Manager. How terrified the manager must be when he realizes I am the most wanted suspect in South Korea? But Seungkwan, I didn't do anything for him to remember me. Maybe because Seungkwan is so annoying, that it would take forever for me to even spark a conversation with him.

Right then, the phone rings with the contact of Seungkwan popping up. He scares me, this kid scares me more than myself. I answer quietly, "Hello?"

"What are you doing? Are you bored without me? Ugh, why are my ears so itchy, someone must be talking or cussing about me again."

I swallow the small lump in my throat, clearing it as I answer, "No, you can come if you want. But I don't mind."

I hear him mumbling, "Selfish jerk..."

I chuckle for the first time and respond, "Shut up."

I could imagine Seungkwan rolling his eyes as he replies quickly, "I'm coming over tomorrow morning, what do you want for breakfast?"


"Ugh I hate it when people respond that."

I chuckle lightly once more, hearing Seungkwan's agitation. He adds with an annoyed tone, "Whatever. There are instant food in the cabinets. Eat what you want, bye."

The phone hangs up after I say goodbye as well. The evening sun is already disappeared from the sky, as I head over to the kitchen. The soothing ocean seas makes me calm at least, as I sit down to rest against the countertop. Pulling out a ramen packet, I start heating the water in a small pot.

A small memory comes back into my head as I want for the water to boil.

"Ah Mingyu! You made the ramen all soggy."

My voice was full of agitation at the latter, who was falling asleep. A small laugher could be heard from Joshua, as he patted Mingyu's back. Joshua replies, "13 guys..just need some rest."

Seungkwan walked into the kitchen and shook his head, getting a glare daggered at him by Mingyu. Mingyu and Seungkwan went to set the table, as I start adding the soup seasoning. Jeonghan came rolling in and complained, "When is it going to be finisheddd?"

Joshua flicked Jeonghan's forehead, and replied, "Patience."

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, and shouted, "I don't have patience!"

I laughed loudly to make them stop bickering, as Seokmin entered the kitchen, licking his lips as he was hungry. He dragged Joshua and Jeonghan out of the kitchen, and Jihoon came instead to quietly help with finishing the ramen. After carrying three pots to the living room, Seungcheol, "Yo! Fantastic Four is on!"

"Yes sunbae!"

We all shouted in unison, as Mingyu turned on the tv, being hit by Jihoon with a pillow as he got the channel wrong. Junhui laughed as he motioned me over to sit by him, as we all start to eat while watching the favored movie that we all enjoyed.


The ramen tastes less delightful, as I start eating quietly. The slurping of the noodles is the only thing heard, as I look outside the windows at the same time. The same ramen brand of what I ate with the 13 of them, but the taste is different than before.

Morning hits, as I yawn rubbing my eyes. I open my eyes slowly, as a ray of sunshine hits my face. A familiar voice shouts loudly, "Get up Sleeping Beauty....more like Sleeping Ugly."

I make a face as I hear that, as I know it's Seungkwan. He claps his hands and adds, "And I brought our special friend."

I realize that I fell asleep on the couch, as I rise to sit properly. I glance at the window, at Seungkwan, then the person next to him. I widen my eyes, being shocked with who it is. Lee Seokmin, I slowly smile at him as he waves at me. He seems to be unfamiliar with me, as I realize his memory of me is gone as well. I fix my messy morning hair, as Seokmin holds up a to go bag of food, and says brightly, "Good morning! I'm Lee Seokmin, and nice to meet you!"


The arrival of BooSeok is here haha. Sorry for Soon being gone, but it would have been so crazy haha.

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