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A dark petite figure looked out the window of the tower in the Cathedral, peering at the busy streets of the village's square. Everyone was either going through the market, interacting with each other, or couples sitting on the edge of the fountain while looking into each other's eyes. Children were running through everyone without a care in the world as some of the mothers tried to tell them to either stay close or to stop. Passing all of the wooden houses, there was a tall wall that blocked the village from the outside world. No one was allowed to leave the village except for working in the fields that is property of the village or with a really good reason. Almost everyone was afraid of the outside world but the ones that weren't were filled with curiosity. Those who ever did try to escape or even planned or thought about it were never heard from again. Rumors had spread that they were either beaten and were sent to isolation, imprisoned, or even killed.

No one from the world was welcomed in the village expect for those that wanted work to be "free" from the world. But the strangest event that happened was that Gypsies were welcomed in through the wall. This has caused confusion in the village since it was rare that anyone was welcomed in, but having about half the population of the village coming in had sent uproar. But over half the year, over half of the original population had gotten used to it. They soon found out that the Gypsies were there for work and the only way for them to come into the village was that they needed to agree to stay. Later on, more than half of them had left the village since most of them travel for work but the others had stayed, desperate for work and not knowing when they could get to another village or town. But no matter how much they had tried, nobody had hired many of the Gypsies so most of them worked on the streets, earning money by their music and performances.

But the one that hated the Gypsies the most was the Minister of Justice of the church, Finitevus. He was really old with short white hair with black streaks that were kept during his old age and wears a black robe. He was very strict of the religion of Catholicism than any Minister out there. But he had a dark secret that no one, not even the priest, Finitevus' beloved friend, had known about it. But only one person, one Gypsy, had lived through the darkness of his secret. The figure standing by the window walked away and into the dim corner of her room. She looked at the whole room and all the areas she had set up. One corner was her small studio with many paintings, while another corner had a wooden table with two wooden stools where her and her Master eats twice every week every time he visits. It wasn't as bad until the darkest part of his secret was released onto her at least once during his visits.

The figure stepped out of the shadows of the corner and into the brightest part of the room, revealing a tan female in near her twenties with brown hair that goes down to her waist and vibrant red bangs that matched the bottom half part of her hair, and violet eyes. She was wearing a white long sleeved dress that showed her shoulders with a mahogany shawl with beautiful embroidery that matched her mahogany girdle with the similar embroidery as the shawl, and three gold hoop earrings dangling on her right ear that matched a gold anklet on each of her wrists and ankles. She looked at the pile of paintings she had created of the events in her life.

This is the story of the girl who had lived through imprisonment of the Minister. But she had also lived through sorrow, hatred, lust, love, regret, and hopefully, freedom.

The picture on the left is the outfit she is wearing. Just mix the one in the middle to the one on the right because it shows the shoulders but has long sleeves for her outfit.

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