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~ After all, aren't the scariest things in life those things you can't see? ~ Chasing Brooklyn

I walked and I trudged through the dense and dark forest. I didn't know if I was out of my packs territory and I really didn't care. They are the reason that I don't fear no one and nothing. There the reason I'm like this and trust me when I say this it wasn't pleasant becoming this way.
( 12 years ago)
"Mom?" I screamed out
"Mom where are you?"
Then out of no where I felt a hand clamp around my waist almost as if I was it's greatest possession in the world. I really didn't know what to think at the time until I felt something being filled into my neck. Then I really panicked. But in the mindset of it all I just blacked out.
( present time)
That memory will haunt me for the rest of my life. I will always remember what his hands felt like around my waist. His hands that didn't belong there. Only my mates were suppose to be there but no the mood goddess decided other wise. I was so scared to see what they would have done but in reality i knew things just got fucked up. Nothing was ever the way it was before...

Hey guys! So please welcome to give me any feedback you want to. Or any suggestions on anything.

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