Now here and there

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I wake up the same time every damn morning... 5:30 Am. Cause every other wolf is too damn lazy to make there own food so they enforced me to do it which sucks for me. It hard to do this every damn morning. It's like every time I try so hard it's not enough for any of them. But it's now 5:50 and I'm just waking up and panicking. If I'm not down there by 5:40 I'm in trouble that I can't afford. Once I get downstairs I see the Alphas father sitting there. Now the Alphas father has to be one of the nicest men you would ever of met until his Wife our Luna had died giving birth to there son Christian. Ever since then he only lets about 3 people in and I happen to be one of them. He knew my family very well and was best friends with my father. I slowly approach him .
"Hi Luca  it's early for you to be down here, why you up so early?" I ask politely
But when Luca turns around and in that moment I can see the defeat in his eyes and the tears he sheds.
"Carrie I'm getting you the hell outta here... Christian ordered for your execution in the next 3 hours..."
Till next week! Thanks guys! Feedback is always welcome as is suggestions! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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