The Shared Cell

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After running everyone was moved back to their cells. You were the last one to enter cell five. The first thing you noticed when you entered was Upa meditating, there were two others joining you. The others asked you questions but you didnt want to answer. You were sitting there, remembering why you had been moved prisons. After awhile they stopped questioning you since you were not in the mood to reply. You stared at the floor, you heard "Leave me be!" it snapped you out of your focus on the floor. You then heard, "look! shes not looking at the floor anymore!" you ignored it. 

"Is there any reason why youre not speaking? You seemed to be pretty talkative on the track." Upa asked and set a hand on your shoulder, his hand was hot, it felt weird but you didnt mind. 

You turned your head slightly to look at him.

"I-im fine." You turned your head back.

"Youre obviously not fine, i hope you are aware, i heard you stutter." He said, he wasnt looking at you but he did side-glare every once and awhile. His hand felt hotter on your shoulder, almost burning, it was unusual.

You heard something behind you, "Shes pretty lucky. His hand is on her!" You couldnt help but to wonder what the hell that meant. Upa seemed to ignore it. 

"Im fine i swear. Is there anything else today, like more training or just staying in the cell all day?" You asked.

"Youre out of luck!" You heard behind you again.

"Well, he isnt lying, you are out of luck. Its almost lights out." Upa said with no emotion. 

He was right, the guard yelled "lights out!"

There was not enough beds for everyone in the cell. Upa offered his bed since he meditates while everyone is asleep. You lied down, it was surprisingly better than the other beds at your old prison. You were on your side and fell asleep. 

-few hours pass-

Upa got tired and forgot you were in his bed, since you were on your side you barely took any space up. He lied down and fell asleep as well. You both woke up the next morning, you were still out of it so you didnt notice he was in bed with you, he was wide awake. 

"What are you smiling about?" He asked the others sternly, he turned his head and saw you. 

Your arm was lightly wrapped around him. 

"Wake up, the guard will be here soon." He shook you lightly.

"What were you two doing last night that caused this?" One of the others asked. 

For some reason this triggered you. You shot up and stared at them. 

"Why would I waste my energy in such a task on a person I just met?" Upa glared at the others. 

This is the start of an interesting friendship between cell number five.

-Nanbaka-Upa x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now