The Results

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Results were going to be out today.

Saman was really very nervous. Everyone asked her what was her expectation. She feared that if she told everyone what she expects from herself and the marks do not fulfill her expectation it will lead to complexes to her.

It was 12:00 pm the result was out online.

Saman opened the website a bit earlier. When the clock struck 12 her hands started shivering while she was covered in sweat. Anxiety​ and nervousness was all that ruled her. Confidence that was a distinguishing quality of hers, disappeared. Heera observed her.

"Saman, keep calm and pray to Almighty you know that you will get very good marks"

Saman did not hear anything her concentration was only and only on her seat number, keyboard keys and the computer screen.

Her fingers were shaking but still she managed to type her seat number and clicked on the "Result" button.

She closed her eyes tightly and prayed.

And then Heera yelled,

"Saman !! Saman !!! Saman!!"

Saman got more frightened and to her suprise she saw,

'Your percentage is 95'

Tears came down her eyes.

"Mad girl why are you crying now?"

Heera was also overwhelmed.

Saman ran and got her mobile.
"Hello Abba?"

Shafiq's​ voice was very sharp, "Yes Saman"

"Abba... Abba I got 95%!!!!"

Shafiq was shocked. He was not able to express his words. His sharp voice too started to tremble.
"Cong...Congra..tulations dear"

"Abba are you still upset ?"

"No my girl I not at all upset"

Saman was more happy to hear Shafiq's words rather than her results.

"I will come home and talk to you"

Saman ran to her college to see the merit list.

Her name was at the top shining like the brightest star of a dark night. She never expected her name to come in 1st position in the college.

'We are proud to announce that Ms. Saman Shafiq has topped in our college. A hearty congratulations to her'
This words too made her eyes damp.

She clicked it's picture to show her parents'.

She went to her teachers and got blessings from them.

This was the happiest day of her life.

She came home where she saw Shafiq and Heera had a grand celebration prepared for her.

Today seeing her parents happy was the greatest gift for her.

All the neighborhood gave false praises with fake smiles and a burnt heart.

Although Saman was least bothered about what people thought she continued her feast with her family.

This day was one of the most memorable day in Saman's life.

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