Hiding Myself

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Levy's P.O.V.

I felt large, warm arms wrap around me just as a splitting pain ripped through my body. Gasping in pain as tears swam in my eyes, a gentle beat filled my ears. I was held against the tall, long haired boy's chest as his short haired look alike caught hold of that bitch, Minerva. Darkness ate at the edges of my sight as the beat continued. His heart. It's his heart I hear, I thought as I watched Ultear pull back to hit me. Just as she got ready to release her fist, a ball of pink slammed into her. A warm feeling crawled up my throat as I watched the pink haired boy I have English with hold back the bitch. The feeling filled my mouth with a metallic taste. Warmth dripped down my chin from the corner of my mouth and gasps filled my ears as the darkness took over me.

Levy, you need to open your eyes.
Levy, open your damn eyes! You stupid girl, you drew attention to the orphanage! You'll be punished. Open your eyes. You need to run. Find a new town. Get out now before it's too late!

My mind screamed at me to open my eyes as a loud beeping hit my ears. What is that? An alarm? No it's too spaced out. Wait, I know this sound. It's the sound of a heart monitor. I'm in a hospital. Why can't I open my eyes. What's going on?

"Mr. Redfox?" A voice? Who's voice? "Mr. Redfox, Levy's condition is fragile. She has suffered intense abuse for years and it appears her body is in shock. It'll be a while before she wakes up."

"Doctor, what of the girl's family?"

"Well, her parents are deceased. Died about ten years ago. Mother was a suicide, father a car accident. She had an older brother, also deceased. Died of a mugging. You would know Mr. Dragneel. You took the case."

"Sota McGarden. Mugged and stabbed to death by a man name Jose. The man spent four years in prison before being released due to a plea bargain. He now works as a den master for Phantom Orphanage. Sota was fifteen."

"Mr. Dragneel, there's something you should know."

"What is it, Doctor?"

"Levy's listed residence is Phantom Orphanage under the care of den master Jose."

"Damn it, Igneel, how did she end up in the care of the man who ruined her life and stole her family from her?"

My mind began to drift suddenly, back to my family. I saw my mom. A five foot three beauty with long wavy blue hair and dark tan skin. Her silver eyes full of love and joy. The scent of lemons and roses followed her, she danced and sang as she cooked for her family. My father. His tall body made of muscle, pale skin and green eyes that resembled the green leafiness of a rainforest canopy. Unruly white hair stood on end creating a porcupine look as he flashed his sideways grin and played guitar, watching his wife dance as she cooked. Sota would sing in a perfect harmony with our mother as he set the table and laughed. Tall like our father with white curly hair and tan skin, his golden eyes would dance with a fire unmatched by all. His love for life filled the air around him as he smiled a larger then life grin. My heart burst as I remembered them. I missed my family.

"Oi, old man!" A new voice entered the room with a heavy scent of chocolate and iron. "If it's cool with you and the doc, I wanna say a few words in private to the girl before we leave."

"Son, it's gonna be a while before Miss McGarden is awake."

"She can still hear me though, can't she?"

"Yes, Gajeel. The young lady can hear you, but I don't know if she will remember what was said after she wakes up."

"Is the Shrimp okay though?"

"She's suffered multiple broken ribs, infected cuts and a major amount of bruising around her chest making the broken ribs worse. She also has a broken ankle that healed wrong and a slight fracture to her wrist. Whatever happened to her has damaged her body bad enough to put her in shock. She's gonna be fine once she wakes up."

"I still want to talk to her."



A sigh sounded beside me. "Man, Metalicana, the brat with no manners is politely requesting a private conversation with a hospitalized girl. I don't think even the Iron Judge could deny him the request."

"Fine, Gajeel. We'll be in the waiting room. If she wakes up call for us."

"And watch your mouth and attitude. She did Wendy a big favor today."

" I ain't gonna be rude to a chick in a hospital bed. Especially the girl who protected my sis."

Laughter sounded in three different tones, rhythms and styles fading away only to end sharply with the click of a door shutting. Footsteps approached my bed as an exhausted sigh sounded beside me. Warmth entrapped my hand, the source was rough and calloused.

"Look, shorty, I ain't one for words. Life ain't been kind to you, but you showed kindness to a stranger today and now I find myself searching for words to tell you how thankful I am that Wendy ran into you. Thankful, and sorry. Sorry we never saw you when you were right in front of us. Sorry we stood by and let you take beating after beating with not so much as a friend to ease your misery.

When I was younger, about the age Wendy is now, I made mistakes. I was a cruel person. I hurt innocent people. They called me a monster. But much like you, the one I hurt most showed nothing but kindness to me. You see, there was a gang that ran around town, most of its members were from the Phantom orphanage, they went by the name Phantom Lord. In an attempt to gain their respect and trust, my thirteen year old self pushed a small twelve year old off the side of the largest slide in Magnolia Center Park. She hit the ground hard and her body just looked broken. She lost the use of her legs and has spent the rest of her life in a wheel chair.

The girl could have told her mom I pushed her. I could have told the truth, but instead we both lied. She told her mom she tripped and fell through the bars. I backed her story and hid my misdeed. Since that day however, the girl has considered me a friend. I hurt her and ruined her life and she repaid me by being my friend. "

Another sigh. He's so hurt. I want to help him.

Levy wake up!

"Levy, you became Wendy's hero only to end up here. You look so broken, I can only imagine how you feel. You may not remember this when you wake up, but I promise you, I will fix you. I will mend your broken heart and mind. I can see the pain in your eyes.

I heard about your family. I know you must have a lot you wish you could say to them. When you get discharged, I'll take you to visit their graves. I'll stay in the car and let you speak to them. Wake up soon. I'm sure they miss you, too."

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